Jesus' Coming Back

U.S. Trucker Convoy Heads to Washington D.C. to Protest COVID-19 Restrictions

Following weeks of protests from truckers in Canada, thousands of truckers across the United States are planning their own demonstration.

The trucker protest, known as The People’s Convoy, launched on Wednesday in Adelanto Stadium in Southern California and will be making its way toward the east coast in the coming days.

“What we’re looking for is to end the emergency declaration – to end the mandates on the vaccine and the mask mandates, especially for our health care workers, our law enforcement officers, our federal employees, and of course, our military personnel,” Ohio truck driver Brian Brase said.

The convoy is also protesting high-gas prices and the controversial teaching of Critical Race Theory in schools.

According to CBN News, additional trucker groups are expected to join The People’s Convoy, including truckers from Pennsylvania traveling south on Interstate 81 from Scranton.

While the truckers plan to arrive in time for Biden’s State of the Union address on Tuesday (March 1), the primary organizers said they do not intend on entering D.C. The organizers also asserted that the protests will be peaceful.

Nevertheless, D.C. authorities have increased security measures in response to the demonstration.

“The United States Capitol Police and the United States Secret Service have been closely working together to plan for the upcoming State of the Union,” the U.S. Capitol Police said in a statement.

“The temporary inner-perimeter fence is part of those ongoing discussions and remains an option, however, at this time, no decision has been made.”

About 800 national guard members are also expected to be deployed to D.C. before Tuesday.

Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council, told CBN News that he is encouraged by people who are taking a stand for their freedom.

“I think from the truckers’ standpoint and those advocating for freedom, I think it will be peaceful … depending on how the authorities respond to it, and some may try to infiltrate. Freedom is on the roll,” Perkins said. “We’re seeing it with truckers, we’re seeing it in minivans with moms going to school board meetings. I’m at a hopeful point in America that we have people that said, ‘enough is enough.’

“Whether it’s our children being indoctrinated in schools or it’s our freedoms … being forced to wear these masks and get vaccinated against our will,” he continued. “It is time, and this is encouraging that Americans still have the ability, but also the fortitude to peacefully demonstrate for our freedoms.”


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Photo courtesy: ©Brian Stalter/Unsplash

Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer. He is also the co-hosts of the For Your Soul podcast, which seeks to equip the church with biblical truth and sound doctrine. Visit his blog Blessed Are The Forgiven.


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