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Trump: Democrats Say Ukraine’s Borders Are Sacred While Destroying Our Own; Dems Want to Fight for Ukraine Border, Ignore Our Own; Poll: Six-in-10 Democrats: Defending Ukraine Border Tops US Border

Trump: Democrats Say Ukraine’s Borders Are Sacred While Destroying Our Own:

At CPAC Saturday, Donald Trump pointed out the latest in a seemingly endless string of examples of Democrat hypocrisy: Democrats are wild with indignation over Vladimir Putin’s violation of Ukrainian sovereignty, while they’re overseeing the destruction of our own sovereignty by turning our Southern border into little more than a line on a piece of paper.

Trump declared: “What has happened in Ukraine is a catastrophic disaster. But it isn’t really that interesting that so many Democrat politicians in Washington, they seem to be rushing to microphones to declare that Ukraine’s borders are sacred. They want to say their borders are sacred, and we feel for Ukraine in so many ways, but Ukraine’s sovereignty must be defended at all costs, they say, even while they’re destroying our own borders and surrendering our own sovereignty. We have a border that’s a catastrophe. We have people coming into our country that we don’t want. They will not be good for our country.” They’ll be good for voting Democrat to keep their welfare gravy train going, and to the likes of Schumer, Pelosi, and Old Joe Biden, that’s all that matters.

Once again, Trump was right. Democrat leaders are actively and aggressively against protecting America’s borders or limiting or seriously vetting those who are streaming in. Instead, they’re always looking for ways to bring in more.

Breitbart reported Friday that “President Joe Biden’s pro-migration homeland security agency is quietly preparing to open the nation’s borders and jobs to economic migrants who claim to be stateless.” This step “comes amid a lobbying campaign by pro-migration groups to create a border doorway for people who claim to have no national home. The lobbying campaign is symbolized by United Stateless, which is funded by various pro-migration groups, including George Soros’s Open Society Foundations.” Of course. —>READ MORE HERE

Trump: Dems Want to Fight for Ukraine Border, Ignore Our Own

The invasion of Ukraine has been a “catastrophic disaster,” but while Democrats in Washington are rushing to microphones to declare that country’s borders are sacred, they are not concerned about the “catastrophe” at the United States-Mexico border, former President Donald Trump said in his speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.

“We feel for Ukraine in so many ways, but ‘Ukraine’s sovereignty must be defended at all costs,’ they say, even while they’re destroying our own borders and surrendering our own sovereignty,” Trump told the crowd. “We have a border that’s a catastrophe. We have people coming into our country that we don’t want. They will not be good for our country. You will be paying a price for many, many years to come.”

Further, Trump told the Orlando audience, terrorists are coming into the country by plane after leaving during the evacuation, but the White House officials said that the people coming are the ones who “rushed the planes.”

“Those are very energetic people,” he said. “Those are people that you’ll be paying a big price for in years to come.” —>READ MORE HERE

Follow link below to a relevant story:

Six-in-10 Democrats: Defending Ukraine border tops US border

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