Jesus' Coming Back

Thousands Flee Ukraine Leading to ‘Fastest-Growing Refugee Crisis in Europe since World War II’

As more people flee Ukraine because of the Russian invasion, the exodus of people is being called the “fastest-growing refugee crisis in Europe since World War II,” the U.N.’s high commissioner for refugees said.

Filippo Grandi said this week that more than 1.5 million people have fled Ukraine in the past 10 days, and more are expected to flee the country.

According to Forbes, at least 137 Ukrainian soldiers and civilians were killed this weekend.

The U.N.’s refugee agency estimated that “several thousand” Ukrainians fled the country last Thursday ahead of a Russian invasion. Many fled to the Polish border town of Medyka, and authorities opened reception centers to help the refugees.

Poland has also ended its restrictions on travelers coming from outside the E.U. The restrictions required a negative COVID-19 test. According to reports, at least 1 million people were expected to flee to Poland over the weekend.

Slovakia has also announced that it would open more border crossings and send out as many as 1,500 troops to the border to help move traffic at the border, where some cars have waited up to 12 hours.

The country also said it had about 2,000 beds and 60 gyms ready to accommodate refugees.

Romania has also taken in “several hundred” people. Romanian Defense Minister Vasile Dincu said the country is prepared to help about 500,000 refugees.

Bulgaria has said it is open to “all” Ukrainian citizens and has also received requests from more than 4,000 ethnic Bulgarians living in Ukraine.

“We are committed to helping all refugees in Ukraine,” said Moldovan prime minister Natalia Gavrilita. “The government has implemented the most comprehensive humanitarian operation in the history of the Republic of Moldova.

“But the flow of people is a challenge, and we need the assistance of our friends and partners.”

Volunteers from all over Europe have already begun pouring in at the border to help refugees.

“We don’t want to flee,” said a woman fleeing a small town in Ukraine with her children. “We will sit it out (in Poland). Wait until it ends, and then we will all go home to our country.”


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Photo courtesy: Pixabay

Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.


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