Jesus' Coming Back

Joe Biden Threatens ‘World War III’ if Vladimir Putin Attacks NATO

President Joe Biden warned Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday that any attack against NATO could spark World War III.

The president spoke about the conflict at a House Democrat retreat in Philadelphia, vowing again to defend “every inch” of NATO territory from Putin and the Russians.

“Granted, if we respond, it is World War III, but we have a sacred obligation,” he said to his fellow Democrats.

Biden reminded Putin he had deployed 12,000 American forces to NATO countries on the Eastern front to protect them.

But Biden also warned fellow Democrats from urging on military action in Ukraine itself.

He said any military action against Russia in Ukraine could escalate quickly, cautioning Democrats from supporting the idea of sending in American-operated warplanes and tanks or any American troops into Ukraine.

“Just understand. Don’t kid yourself. No matter what you all say. That’s called World War III. OK?” Biden said.

Apparently referring to Putin, Biden continued, “Let’s get it straight here guys … that old expression, don’t kid a kidder.”

“We will not fight World World War III in Ukraine,” he concluded.

The Biden administration continues ratcheting up pressure on Russia through economic measures, including sanctions.

The President taunted Putin earlier Friday for believing the United States and Europe would not unite to support Ukraine and punish Russia with economic sanctions.

“He hoped to dominate Ukraine without a fight. He failed. He hoped to fracture European resolve. He failed,” he said during a speech at the White House.

“He hoped to weaken the transatlantic alliance. He failed.”


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