Jesus' Coming Back

Report From Donbas: Ukrainian Soldiers Massacred Civilians

According to a report coming out of Donbas, Ukrainian soldiers have used civilians as human shields and have also murdered them, as we read in a report from Tass:

Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin instructed to investigate the circumstances of the mass murder of residents of the Luhansk People’s Republic. This was reported to journalists on Sunday in the press service of the UK.

“The Chairman of the Investigative Committee instructed the investigators to collect and record evidence and identify all the persons involved in order to subsequently bring them to justice established by law,” the Investigative Committee noted.

Earlier, units of the People’s Militia of the LPR, during the offensive in the Popasnyansky direction, discovered the places of massacre of civilians in the area of ​​the railway. According to the people’s militia, the retreating Ukrainian troops drove people out of the basements and used them as human shields, and those who resisted or tried to escape were shot.


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