Jesus' Coming Back

Tim Tebow Encourages Christians to Live out Their God-Given Purpose

Tim Tebow is known to many as a two-time national champion, a Heisman Trophy winner and a professional football and baseball player. However, he hopes to be known for a greater assignment. Tebow would prefer people remember him for sharing the Gospel of Christ with a world in need of eternal change. In a sit-down interview with Christian Headlines, Tebow explained that he has a heavy burden on his heart to share God’s word.

“I am very burdened. It may be hard to explain; it’s a little bit of weight, I think, a weight. So many people don’t know just how much they’re loved, don’t know how valuable they are. They don’t know that the God of this universe has given them a mission, which gives them purpose. I want people to know that their lives matter,” Tebow told Christian Headlines.

Tebow welcomes his God-given assignment to help bring change to the world and encourage others to live out their mission. In his new book, Mission Possible, Tebow lays out a blueprint for living a life of Christ-led purpose. In the book, he also explains that while living out the specific and bold mission God has given us may seem impossible to others, Christ-followers should know it is not.

“We’re not just here by chance, but the time that we have is not just time where we can kind of just meander through life. There are good works for us to do in Christ Jesus,” Tebow said. “Ephesians 2:10 reminds us that we know there’s not only a mission to do with other people, but we also get to be co-laborers with God, to love and help and bring the Good News of the Gospel. We get to bring agape love to people in a real and passionate, vibrant, and authentic way with more than just words. Yes, that’s important. We need to be willing to say it with our actions because we need to be willing to go,” he continued.

The willingness to “go” is exactly what Tebow is putting into action in his life. Having spent time in the Philippines as a missionary kid, he is no stranger to the task of spreading the Word of God in a missional way.

Tebow shared, “I think it’s also because of the example my parents set for us, of seeing what a mission-driven life can do and the possibilities it presents. I think it’s from seeing so many missionaries around the world. It’s also from seeing so many people that are faithful whether they have a little or much.”

He continued, “And then, seeing how the world is telling our society what matters is having money, fame, and power. And if you don’t, you need to strive for it; you need to focus on praise and promotion and likes. And I think when you have all of those things, you might have a lot of material stuff, but I really believe you actually have nothing of value.”

“I don’t think that having success and having stuff is bad, but I don’t think that success is the same as significance. I want to encourage people that they can have their success. They can take their platforms, they can take their praise, they can take their promotion, they can take their leadership, they can take all of it, and they can turn it into things that truly matter; because what is it going to matter at the end of your life?” the former professional athlete asked.

“If all you can say is, you know what, I have a million dollars, a lot of cars, a lot of trophies, a lot of statues and other things, what will that matter? You don’t get to take it with you. What matters is what lasts for eternity. And we get the chance to impact eternity. We get the chance with our limited time to live for eternal things,” he asserted.

Tebow is on a mission to point Christ-followers towards a life of obedience. Anyone who has followed Tebow knows that he is never short on football metaphors, but those things are noticeably absent during our conversation. Tebow appears to have been called not only to challenge his supporters to practice humility but to practice it himself.

Tebow was further humbled when he went on a mission trip to Johannesburg, South Africa, with The Tim Tebow Foundation. On the trip, Tebow gained insight into the lives of trafficked women and children who are in desperate need of medical care. He found himself burdened to help meet the needs of those who were hurting, lacking and felt forgotten. Tebow wants them to know that their lives count, and Jesus loves them. 

“That is something that God has put on my heart that we have to do it, and we have to do it urgently, not just Hey, one day, but I believe urgently, because we serve a God who is able,” he shared.

Tebow hopes that his life can serve as an example of how one can adopt the mission of making their lives count by helping, serving, and loving with a Christ-led urgency.


Tim Tebow Encourages Christians to Discover Their ‘Micro-Purpose’ at 2022 Passion Conference

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Sam Greenwood/Staff


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