Jesus' Coming Back

Christian Author Randy Alcorn Asks for Prayers as His Wife Grows Weaker from Cancer

Former pastor and Christian Author Randy Alcorn recently announced that his wife, Nanci, is nearing the end of her life amid a years-long battle with cancer.

Alcorn, who wrote the best-selling book Heaven: A Comprehensive Guide to Everything the Bible Says About Our Eternal Home, first announced the news on social media last week.

“A timely prayer request: on Saturday my wife Nanci told me she felt she didn’t have much time left in this world. This morning, 11 a.m. PT, my daughters and their families will all gather at our house,” he wrote on Twitter on March 21.

“If Nanci is right that not much time remains, then this will likely be the final gathering IN THIS WORLD of our tribe of 11,” he added. “Thankfully, eternal life transcends the grave. This world now under the Curse is a broken world waiting and longing to be redeemed (Romans 8).”

“Nanci’s ready to be with Jesus,” Alcorn continued. “But she wanted, and of course I concur, to speak into the lives of our kids and especially our grandkids. I would deeply appreciate your prayers for her and for this unique and I suspect unforgettable family gathering.”

According to Faithwire, Nanci was diagnosed with colon cancer in the spring of 2018. A year ago, Alcorn announced that the cancer had spread into her lungs.

Alcorn, who has been sharing updates about his wife’s condition on his blog, wrote on Monday that he has been encouraging Nanci with praise music and reading to her from her journals and God’s Word. At the same time, however, he noted that her hospice nurse said Nanci, who is growing weaker by the day, “may have less than a week to live.”

“I simultaneously don’t want her to go, yet with all my heart, I DO want her to go into the arms of Jesus,” Alcorn said.

Alcorn went on to cite the Apostle Paul’s words to the church in Philippi, which reads, “To live is Christ and to die is gain…I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far” (Philippians 1:21, 23).

“Being with Jesus and God’s family – including both of our moms and dads and many dear friends – in Heaven, awaiting the resurrection and the New Earth, free from pain and suffering and curse. What could be better for her?” he wrote.

Nearing the end of her life, Alcorn recalled assuring his wife that she would soon meet her Savior.

“Let go and be with the person you love the most and have always dreamed of meeting face to face. One day soon, I’ll join you there, and so will the people on earth that you love the most,” he told her.

“Well done, good and faithful daughter of God. What a privilege, my Sweetheart, to have lived this life with you. I so look forward to the wonders and glories we will experience together in the world to come, where Joy will be the air we breathe,” Alcorn concluded.


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Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/LumiNola

Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer. He is also the co-hosts of the For Your Soul podcast, which seeks to equip the church with biblical truth and sound doctrine. Visit his blog Blessed Are The Forgiven.


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