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Border Officials Expect Biden to End Trump Title 42 Border Policy in April; McConnell Warns There Will Be An ‘utter meltdown’ At The Border If Biden Ends Trump’s Title 42 COVID Restrictions With White House Bracing for a Huge Influx of Migrants ‘next month’

Border officials expect Biden to end Trump Title 42 border policy in April

Border officials are expecting and preparing for an April announcement of plans to end a pandemic policy implemented by the Trump administration that allows for immediately turning migrants back to Mexico, multiple government officials told the Washington Examiner.

Democrats and immigrant advocates have pushed President Joe Biden to end the policy, saying that it unfairly prevents migrants from making legitimate asylum claims.

Republicans, though, have warned that undoing the policy, known as Title 42, will further overwhelm Border Patrol agents and facilities, pulling agents from the field and leaving the border wide open and easily penetrable.

Title 42 is technically a public health order promulgated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Three senior Customs and Border Protection officials and a Border Patrol union leader told the Washington Examiner that the expectation at the agency is that CDC will choose not to renew Title 42 when it expires on April 20 and that the CBP is preparing to announce plans for handling the change before then.

The White House has maintained that the decision will be made by the CDC on the basis of its scientific expertise, but officials say they are sure that the administration will choose to end the order. —>READ MORE HERE

Mitch McConnell warns there will be an ‘utter meltdown’ at the border if Biden ends Trump’s Title 42 COVID restrictions with White House bracing for a huge influx of migrants ‘next month’:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell warned of an ‘utter meltdown’ at the border if the Biden administration moves away from using Title 42 authority to reject immigration claims based on health grounds tied to the pandemic.

He blasted the idea of a sudden change in policy – after the White House signaled the policy could end as soon as next month under its periodic reconsideration.

‘This move would take our border from its current state of chaos into a whole new level of utter, utter meltdown,’ said McConnell said on the Senate floor Tuesday.

The administration is under pressure to roll back its use of the authority, now that covid cases are dropping and vaccines continue to proliferate.

‘It would be wildly reckless for Democrats to simply stand down and let the floodgates open,’ McConnell warned.

Of 1.7 million people expelled at the border under Title 42 provisions, 1.2 million have occurred during the Biden Administration, the Washington Times reported. The policy began under the Trump Administration.

The Kentucky Republican said the administration has ‘leaned heavily’ on the authority to prevent the border crisis from ‘getting even worse.’

‘You might think that the Biden Administration would have used the time afforded by this stopgap to actually hash out a strategy to secure the border. They have not. No solutions in sight,’ he said. He said now the administration was on the verge of ‘caving to woke pressure’ and lifting the authorities. —>READ MORE HERE

Follow links below to related stories:

McConnell warns of ‘utter meltdown’ at border if Biden ends pandemic shutdown

Risch, Crapo: Revoking Title 42 Will Have Dire Impact on Crisis at Southern Border

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