Jesus' Coming Back

A Freedom Agenda Is the Conservative Path to Victory

Former Vice President Mike Pence speaks at Stanford University in Stanford, Calif., February 17, 2022. (Santiago Mejia/The San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images)

We cannot afford to take our eyes off the task in front of us, or to be distracted by grievances of the past.

In just 14 months, Joe Biden has done more damage to our nation than any president in modern history. With inflation at a 40-year high, record-breaking illegal immigration, gas prices up 70 percent, and Biden now warning families to prepare for food shortages, the American way of life is under attack like never before. It is no surprise that the president’s approval rating has plummeted to an all-time low.

In 2022, conservatives have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to save America from decline and decay brought on by progressive policies, and to build a true governing majority that could last for generations. But in order to win, conservatives must do more than criticize and complain — we must unite our movement around a bold, optimistic agenda that offers a clear and compelling choice to the American people.

Elections are about the future. Leftists would love nothing more than for conservatives to talk about the past — anything but the mess the Left has made of the present, or the disastrous future that awaits if it remains in power.

Conservatives must be relentlessly focused on the future if we hope to stop the radical Left from destroying this country. That’s why the advocacy group I founded, Advancing American Freedom, has released a detailed Freedom Agenda developed with the help of nearly 50 of the brightest stars in the conservative movement.

The Freedom Agenda provides a clear road map for conservative leaders looking to connect deeply with the American people on their top priorities. It is built upon the belief that Americans want to create more economic opportunity, want to restore American leadership on the world stage, and are proud of traditional American culture and want to preserve it.

Under the Freedom Agenda, conservatives should not hesitate to take bold stands in support of local law enforcement, tough sentences for violent criminals, and powerful border-security measures to shut down illegal immigration. Conservatives should demand that parents be given the right to choose where their children go to school, that schools embrace patriotic education rather than political indoctrination, and that participation in sports be determined by one’s gender at birth as a matter of fairness and common sense.

To preserve our God-given rights, the Freedom Agenda calls for cracking down on Big Tech censorship, adopting universal voter ID and limiting mail-in ballots to only the rarest of circumstances, and permanently ending taxpayer funding for abortion. Most importantly, it provides a framework to return the sanctity of life to the center of American law, and to preserve the right of all Americans to live, work, and worship according to their faith.

For America to be prosperous again, conservatives should work to extend the Trump–Pence tax cuts, restore American energy independence, and support reciprocal trade deals that bring jobs back home to America. At the same time, conservatives must move toward a merit-based immigration system that prioritizes the jobs and wages of American citizens.

Finally, the Freedom Agenda encourages conservatives to embrace policies that will restore American power and prestige in international affairs. As war rages in Eastern Europe, America must stand strong against Russian aggression and rally our Western allies to defend freedom. Conservatives must demand renewed military investments, including in cybersecurity and technology, to counter the growing threat posed by countries such as China and Russia. Finally, conservatives should work to revoke China’s Most Favored Nation trading status and maintain the tariffs imposed by the Trump–Pence administration.

Merging traditional conservative values with the successes of the Trump–Pence administration is a proven formula that will lead to extraordinary growth for the United States.

Today in America, what’s at stake is the very survival of our nation. We cannot afford to take our eyes off the task in front of us, or to be distracted by grievances of the past. In 2022 and beyond, the American people will decide whether their children and grandchildren stand tall as citizens of the freest nation on earth, or whether they are forced to live in the economic, moral, and spiritual poverty of socialism.

With the Freedom Agenda, conservatives can keep our eyes firmly fixed on the future and build a bigger, broader, and bolder majority that lasts for generations to come.

Former vice president Mike Pence is the chairman of the issue-advocacy organization Advancing American Freedom.

National Review

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