Exclusive: New Hampshire Republican Matt Mowers Slams Democrat Chris Pappas For Failing Granite Staters

New Hampshire’s 1st Congressional District Republican candidate Matt Mowers told Breitbart News that vulnerable Democrat Rep. Chris Pappas had failed Granite Staters by being blindly loyal to President Joe Biden after generic poll numbers showed terrible news for the incumbent.
A recent Saint Anselm College Survey Center poll out of the Granite State showed that out of 1,265 New Hampshire registered voters, 46 percent would vote for a generic Republican over a generic Democrat, giving a GOP candidate a four-point lead over a generic Democrat on the ballot.
Only 42 percent said they would vote for a generic Democrat, which could be a bad sign for Pappas, who’s running for reelection, especially considering the four-point lead for a generic Republicans is not within the margin of error.
In fact, the poll also showed that 46 percent of the voters in the 1st Congressional District, which Pappas represents, said it’s time to give someone else a chance to represent them, while only 38 percent believe he deserves reelection.
Mowers — who worked in Trump Tower during the 2016 campaign, served on former President Donald Trump’s transition team, and then was a senior White House adviser at the State Department before he ran as a Republican against Pappas in 2020 — told Breitbart News that “Pappas is Pelosi’s personal Congressman whose blind loyalty to Joe Biden’s agenda has failed Granite Staters.”
Pappas has been labeled “Pelosi’s personal congressman” after Breitbart News reported that federal fundraising records showed that Pelosi and her affiliated organizations funded 61 percent of the congressman’s campaign from November 24, 2020, to December 31, 2020.
“New Hampshire voters are smart and see right through Chris Pappas’ attempts to repaint his failed record,” Mowers continued. “We are going to hold him accountable for rubber stamping Joe Biden’s policies that have led to record inflation, disasters on the southern border and around the world, defunding of the police, and an erosion of American values.”
Pappas has voted with the Biden administration 100 percent of the time as the president has taken aim at American energy since being in office. Biden has canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline, suspended oil and gas leasing on public lands and waters, halted federal support for oil and gas projects overseas, and suspended oil drilling leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Biden also waived the sanctions on Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
Pappas also supported the Democrats’ $1.2 trillion, 2,702-page so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill last year, which Biden signed into law and which has been fueling inflation. He also supported the $1.75 trillion Build Back Better Act (BBB), which studies found would have also caused more harm to the economy.
The Saint Anselm College Survey Center poll surveyed 1,265 New Hampshire registered voters on March 23 and 24. There was an overall margin of error of +/- 2.8 percent, and the specific congressional district question had a 3.8 percent margin of error.
Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter.
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