Jesus' Coming Back

Biden Budget Imports Afghans to U.S. for a Decade Despite Vetting Failures; Biden Shields All Afghans He Illegally Brought Here From Deportation

Biden Budget Imports Afghans to U.S. for a Decade Despite Vetting Failures

President Joe Biden is asking Congress for more American taxpayer money to bring hundreds more Afghans to the United States, even as his own Department of Defense has concluded that the administration failed to vet a number of Afghans resettled in the U.S. since last year.

As part of a nearly $6 trillion budget proposal, Biden is requesting Congress fund Afghan refugee resettlement to the U.S. for the next decade by increasing the number of Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs) allocated every year.

This month, Biden announced that he was giving Temporary Protected Status (TPS), a quasi-amnesty, to nearly 75,000 Afghans living in the U.S. who do not have green cards or visas to permanently remain in the country.

To date, more than 85,000 Afghans have been resettled in the U.S. by Biden.

The budget request comes as the Biden administration failed to properly vet Afghans against counter-terrorism databases, the Department of Defense’s Inspector General revealed last month. —>READ MORE HERE

Biden Shields All Afghans He Illegally Brought Here From Deportation:

That’s Step 1. Wait for Step 2 which will protect Afghans from even having to apply for asylum (because they don’t qualify.)

As I discussed in my article on the ‘Afghan Adjustment Act’, Biden keeps trying to do an end-run around the rules for the Afghans he brought here.

Despite the virtual lack of vetting, hundreds of the Afghan migrants are being flagged as security risks. 50 believed to be security risks were already released in this country and the majority of them are in the wind. Four have already been involved in sexual assault cases. Considering how much the Afghans have misbehaved in so little time, the refugee resettlement contractors are understandably worried that much more damaging information will come out after two years.

After lying to us about saving “interpreters”, and lying about the Afghans being carefully “vetted”, they’re trying to pull off the biggest scam yet by retroactively legalizing their illegal evacuation under the umbrella of an Afghan Adjustment Act which will shut down any further scrutiny.


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