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Mitt Romney Claps with Democrats for Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Confirmation

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) clapped with Democrats in reaction to the Senate confirming Supreme Court Justice nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson to the nation’s highest court.

Romney, along with Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), was one of the three Senate Republicans that voted with Democrats to confirm Jackson to the Supreme Court.

After the Senate announced the 53-47 vote count by which Jackson was confirmed, Democrats and Romney applauded her confirmation vigorously.

Romney’s applause for Jackson stands in stark contrast, considering that he voted against confirming her as a federal circuit judge last year. Romney had voted with Republicans to oppose her confirmation.

Romney said in his statement announcing his support for Jackson:

Romney further attacked Republicans for raising concerns about Jackson’s record of child pornography sentencing.

“It struck me that it was off course, meaning the attacks were off course that came from some. And there is no there, there,” Utah’s junior senator said. He further told the establishment outlet the Washington Post that Hawley and Cruz’s concerns about light child pornography sentencing will not impact his vote to confirm her.

Washington Post congressional correspondent Paul Kane said, “Romney tells me that child-porn angle via Hawley/Cruz is wrong, won’t impact how he votes.”

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.


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