Jesus' Coming Back

Axios: Joe Biden’s Border Chief ‘Concerned’ About Ending Title 42 reported President Joe Biden’s border chief is “concerned” about the risks of removing the Title 42 border barrier.

The anonymously sourced report is significant because Axios is used by White House officials and Democrats to reshape D.C. debates, point fingers, and redirect blame, all under Axios’ offer of anonymity.

In this case, the anonymous leaks may be intended to help the White House and Democratic legislators persuade their pro-migration progressive base to keep the very popular Title 42 barrier. By keeping the barrier, Democrats can minimize the surge of migrants before the November election.

The Axios article says:

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has privately told members of Congress he’s concerned with the Biden administration’s handling of its plans to lift Title 42 on May 23, sources familiar with the conversations tell Axios.

The article outlines Democratic Senators insist they are unhappy with Mayorkas’s very detailed plans to temporarily legalize the expected surge of migrants and to bus and fly them to American towns and cities from coast to coast:

Members and their staff told Axios that, after Mayorkas walked them through the DHS’ preparations for the potential border surge, they did not feel the administration had reached the level of preparedness needed to carry out the operation successfully by May 23.

White House officials are also complaining, according to Axios:

The big picture: President Biden’s inner circle has begun discussing delaying the repeal of Title 42, Axios first reported this week.

A growing number of Democratic legislators and candidates want the Title 42 barrier to be extended. The simultaneous wave of claims, leaks, and hints may be intended to help White House officials and Democratic legislators to persuade their progressive base to accept the Title 42 barrier until the November elections.

This pre-election, damage-control exercise for progressives also helps to mute the swing-voting public. Polls show the public’s growing alarm over Biden’s failure to guard the border in a time of declining wages and rising inflation.

Mayorkas is a Cuban-born, elite-backed, pro-migration zealot who clearly wants to remove the barrier, even as he also competes and cooperates with other factions in the White House.

For example, Mayorkas is choosing to let roughly half of each month’s migrant flow — including many young men — through the Title 42 barrier into Americans’ jobs and homes. In March, 221,000 people were “encountered” trying to cross the border, and Mayorkas allowed 111,000 to cross into the United States.

MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images

U.S. President Joe Biden (L) and Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas (R) take part in a naturalization ceremony for new citizens ahead of Independence Day in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC on July 2, 2021. (MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

Mayorkas’ monthly data does not include the people who sneaked across the border — perhaps 50,000 — nor does it include the inflow of legal immigrants, or visa workers. Overall, since January 2021, Mayorkas has allowed roughly one new migrant into the United States for every two American births.

Mayorkas’ 115-page plan for responding to the end of  Title 42 outlines a massive logistical effort to minimize media coverage of the expected surge of migrants.

The plan would provide migrants with fast-track legal paperwork so they can be quickly packed into charter buses and distributed to little-known NGO centers throughout the country. On page 126, Mayorkas’ plan says:

A. Secretary’s Intent.

1 ) Purpose: The purpose of this plan is to describe a proactive approach that humanely prevents and responds to surges in irregular migration across the U.S. [southern border]. This will be done while ensuring that migrants can apply for any form of [legal] relief or protection [emphasis added] for which they may be eligible, including asylum, withholding of removal, and protection from removal under the regulations implementing United States obligations under the Convention Against Torture.

The plan does not mention Mayorkas’ legal duty to protect Americans’ borders, wages, and communities from illegal migrants and unethical employers.

But Mayorkas is also working hard to build a new Extraction Migration system that would replace the government’s existing reliance on the drug cartels, coyotes, and employers.

His planned system would deliver the world’s economic migrants to U.S. job sites, apartments, and retail stores in all 50 states.

The planned system is being built on a series of unpublicized deals with other countries and U.S.-based, elite-funded non-government organizations.

On April 19, for example, Mayorkas visited Panama to ink a deal that would help economic migrants get around the mountainous Darien Gap obstacle. The obstacle has reportedly killed thousands of migrants who are trying to get through Panama to reach the border welcome offered by Mayorkas and his allied progressives.

Mayorkas told an April 19 press conference in Panama:

For the Department of Homeland Security that I am proud to represent, our immediate goals are crystal-clear: think regionally about stemming migration flows through enhanced prevention and enforcement; create viable legal pathways in the spirit of regional responsibility-sharing … [We want] to build legal, orderly, and humane pathways so individuals do not need to place their lives, their well-beings, the well-beings of their loved ones, in the hands of smugglers and traffickers who only seek to exploit them for profit.

Mayorkas is already smuggling many economic migrants through the U.S. border by exploiting open-ended, well-meaning exemptions in border law. For example, President Joe Biden announced Thursday that private-sector groups could pay to import tens of thousands of Ukrainian migrants from safe countries via the border’s parole doorway.

Mayorkas is also importing many additional migrants via legal sections covering asylum, natural disasters, refugees, emergency parole, tourists, agency priorities, crime, visa workers, and students.

The government’s deliberate inflation of the nation’s workforce has a huge and skewed economic impact. For example, the inflow of roughly 2.5 million migrants since Biden’s inauguration has helped to spike Americans’ housing costs in 2022:


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