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Russia’s Putin and China’s Xi laugh at space cadet Kamala Harris; Biden Unilaterally Surrenders to Russia and China in Satellite Wars: Our enemies will have a clear field for destroying our satellites

Russia’s Putin and China’s Xi laugh at space cadet Kamala Harris:

his is another sign of the White House in foreign policy free fall

Please keep Vice President Kamala Harris away from the Space Force. Instead of visiting America’s southern border or even Ukraine, Vice President Harris went home to California for a big speech at Vandenberg Air Force Base on Monday.

“Space is exciting!” Harris cooed in that faux-bright tone we use on 6-year-olds confronting broccoli at dinner. “It affects us all and it connects us all,” she continued. Spoiler alert: it gets worse.

With Space Force service members arrayed behind her for the big speech, Harris announced the U.S. would halt “destructive satellite tests,” where your missile blows up your own, old satellite on orbit. “These tests are dangerous and we will not conduct them,” said Harris. Then she called on all nations including China and Russia to join the ban.

Here’s the kicker: the U.S. has no plans to blow up satellites. The only true American anti-satellite test took place in 1985. It was actually a pretty cool event, involving an Air Force F-15 fighter and a special missile. Then in 2008, the U.S. shot down a broken spy satellite, carefully timing the impact so the chunks would burn up in the atmosphere.

But that’s it. That’s the whole U.S. record, two anti-satellite shots. For Harris to make a unilateral pledge, to stop something the U.S. wasn’t doing anyway, was bonkers. —>READ MORE HERE

Biden Unilaterally Surrenders to Russia and China in Satellite Wars:

Our enemies will have a clear field for destroying our satellites.

Kamala Harris arrived at Vandenberg Space Force Base where Discoverer-1, the first satellite to enter a polar orbit and America’s bold response to Russia’s Sputnik, was launched to announce that we would be unilaterally surrendering to Russia and China in the growing satellite wars.

Last November, Russia had conducted a DA-ASAT or direct-ascent anti-satellite test which demonstrated its ability to take out satellites. The Russians had used their A-235 anti-ballistic missile system to destroy their own Kosmos 1408 satellite. The message was clear: Moscow had the ability to clear out enemy satellites in the event of any conflict. Including ours.

“I don’t want to get ahead of specific measures that we may pursue,” Biden apparatchik Ned Price fumed, but had vowed that “we won’t tolerate this kind of activity.”

At Vandenberg, Kamala announced that the response would be absolute and total surrender.

Responding to Russia’s anti-satellite weapons test and Communist China’s earlier 2007 ASAT test, the Biden administration vows that it will surrender and refuse to deploy ASAT weapons.

“I think everyone here recognizes how extraordinary space is,” Kamala Harris rambled. “Space — it affects us all, and it connects us all.” —>READ MORE HERE

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