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Explosive Project Veritas Report Accuses Biden of Resettling ‘Terrorism Watch List’ Afghans in U.S.; Joe Biden to Continue Resettling Afghans in U.S. Despite Vetting Failure

Explosive Project Veritas Report Accuses Biden of Resettling ‘Terrorism Watch List’ Afghans in U.S.:

An explosive report from James O’Keefe’s watchdog organization Project Veritas accuses President Joe Biden’s administration of resettling Afghans, listed on the federal government’s “Terrorism Watch List,” across American communities over the last eight months as part of its withdrawal from Afghanistan.

With the help of Republicans and Democrats in Congress, Biden has resettled more than 85,000 Afghans in American communities across 46 states since mid-August 2021 and plans to continue resettling tens of thousands of Afghans throughout the year.

Biden is currently asking Congress to authorize the resettlement of Afghans for the next decade and to put resettled Afghans on a fast-track to naturalized American citizenship. That plan is being supported by Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Rob Portman (R-OH).

This week, Project Veritas released a report alleging that whistleblowers from inside the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have handed over documentation allegedly showing that Biden resettled Afghans in the U.S. who are considered national security threats with ties to terrorism.

Breitbart News was not able to independently verify whether the individuals named in the Project Veritas report were, in fact, the individuals on the Terrorism Watch List.

“The records we’ve obtained confirm these individuals as national security threats currently within our borders,” O’Keefe states.

Anwarallhaq Wahidi, for example, is allegedly listed as a “Category 15” threat on the agency’s Terrorism Watch List for having used explosives or arms in the past, according to Project Veritas, and is considered armed and dangerous. —>READ MORE HERE

Joe Biden to Continue Resettling Afghans in U.S. Despite Vetting Failure:

President Joe Biden will continue resettling Afghans in American communities at least through August even as the federal government admits that its vetting protocols failed to properly vet tens of thousands already resettled in the United States.

A State Department official told Bloomberg News that Biden is looking to bring thousands more Afghans to the U.S. for resettlement over the next six months. Currently, there are some 100,000 Afghans who have sought entry to the U.S. but who remain in Afghanistan.

The administration is setting up a new resettlement site in northern Virginia where about 2,000 Afghans a month will be bused from Dulles International Airport after arriving primarily from bases in Qatar.

To date, Biden has resettled 85,000 Afghans in American communities across 46 states since mid-August 2021. That resettlement failed to properly vet Afghans against counter-terrorism databases, the Department of Defense’s Inspector General revealed last month.

As of November 2021, the report states 50 Afghans already in the U.S. have been flagged for “significant security concerns.” Most of the unvetted Afghans flagged for possible terrorism ties have since disappeared in the U.S. In one instance, only three of 31 Afghans flagged months ago for security concerns could be located. —>READ MORE HERE

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