Jesus' Coming Back

Shanghai Spring

Shanghai Spring

China Change, May 11, 2022

Shanghai Spring is a sequel to LOCKDOWN Shanghai 2022, posted on YouTube China Change channel (see below) on April 9. The sequel is a compilation of 200 select video clips and stills from Shanghai, taken mostly between April 10 and May 10. In ten segments, it offers a comprehensive view of the Shanghai lockdown, an event that is bound to have political, economic, and social repercussions in China far beyond Covid control. 101 minutes.

Link on the time stamp will take you directly to the segment you choose.

“上海之春” 是改变中国 YouTube 频道4月9日发布的 “上海封城 2022” 的续集。续集选择200个左右来自上海的视频和静图编辑而成,分为10个板块,是对上海封城事件的一个相对完整的观照。上海2022年春天封城的意义和后果绝不止于新冠病毒疫情防控;它必将对中国政治、经济和社会产生深远影响。101分钟。


1. Food / 食物 1:098:10

2. Resist Incessant Testing / 抵制核酸检测 8:109:44

3. Oppose Hard Lockup / 反对硬隔离 9:4415:25

4. The Collapse of Residential Committees / 居委会面临崩溃 15:2533:06

5. Mass Quarantine / 方舱 33:0649:28

6. Collateral Damage / 次生灾害 49:281:01:26

7. Resumption of Work & Production / 复工复产 1:01:261:04:44

8. Shanghainese Speak / 上海人如是说 1:04:441:14:56

9. Opposition and Protest / 反对与抗议 1:14:561:38:40

10. The Die Has Been Cast /动态清零毫不动摇 1:38:40 – the end

LOCKDOWN Shanghai 2022 – A Montage of 100+ Videos and Stills

(We do not know why YouTube placed age-restriction on the first compilation. That’s why it has not been posted on China Change website. Despite the restriction, it has had 99,100 views on YouTube as of today.)

China Change

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