Jesus' Coming Back

40 Percent of Generation Z Believes Jesus Sinned: State of the Bible Survey

The State of the Bible 2022 released its findings recently, revealing that about 40 percent of Generation Z believe that Jesus was a human and sinned like other humans when he lived on earth.

About 37 percent of Generation X said the same, and 35 percent of both millennials and boomers agreed. The elderly polled in the study had the lowest numbers, with 26 percent believing Jesus sinned, Kentucky Today reports.

In its 12th year of the report, the American Bible Study asks Americans about their opinions and practices relating to the Bible.

“The annual State of the Bible research is a remarkable tool for churches in America,” said Dr. Ed Stetzer, professor and executive director of the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College. “Each piece of data acts as a guidepost, identifying cultural trends and highlighting groups of Americans whose hearts are softening toward God’s Word. By equipping themselves with these insights, churches can move toward more impactful ministry in their individual communities.”

In one data point, ABS reported that Gen Z registers high in curiosity about Jesus and/or the Bible, with 75 percent falling between a little curious (11 percent) and extremely curious (31 percent). About 21 percent said they were very curious, and 13 percent said they were somewhat curious.

“Curiosity has been called ‘the most underrated tool of persuasion.’ If that’s true, then Christians are well-positioned to share God’s message with their neighbors because curiosity is trending higher,” ABS said in the report. “It cuts across all generations. The Elder generation leads all age groups at 87 percent curiosity.”

Also, nearly all respondents who identified as Scripture-engaged (92 percent) said they believe God is an “all-powerful, all-knowing, perfect creator of the universe who rules the world today.”

By age group, 57 percent of Generation Z hold the same view, compared to 48 percent of millennials, 63 percent of Generation X, 67 percent of boomers, and 82 percent of the elderly.

More chapters of the State of the Bible 2022 will be released soon. More information is available online at the State of the Bible website.


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Photo courtesy: ©thinkstock

Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.


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