Jesus' Coming Back

Poll: Plurality Consider Abortion ‘the Same as Murdering a Child’

A plurality of Americans consider abortion the same as the murder of a child, a survey from The Economist/YouGov showed. 

Answers were split to the question of whether respondents were “pro-life” or “pro-choice,” as 27 percent identified as “pro-life,” while 35 percent said “pro-choice,” and 23 percent said “both.” 

Similarly, respondents were split on when they believe abortion should be illegal, as 11 percent said it should “never be allowed,” and 29 percent said it should only be legal in special circumstances such as preserving the life of the mother. Another 31 percent said abortion should be legal with some restrictions, such as late term abortion, and 29 percent said it should be legal with no restrictions whatsoever. 

However, when it comes to what people believe abortion is, specifically, a plurality — 45 percent — acknowledge that abortion is the “same as murdering a child.” Of those, 30 percent “strongly agree” and 15 percent “somewhat agree.” Forty-three percent feel otherwise, including 30 percent who “strongly” disagree and 13 percent who “somewhat” disagree. 

Most Democrats, 61 percent, do not agree that abortion is the same as murdering a child, and 43 percent of independents hold the same sentiment. The majority of Republicans, 67 percent, believe that abortion is the same as murdering a child, and 44 percent of independents agree. 

The survey was taken May 15-17, 2022, among 1,500 U.S. adult citizens, and comes as pro-abortion activists continue to protest in reaction to the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, which, if it becomes final, would give the power to determine abortion laws back to the states. 

A Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group poll released this week also found that a plurality of likely voters say they trust their governor and state legislature to decide abortion laws, rather than the federal government. 


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