Jesus' Coming Back

Properties owned by Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church threatened with demolition

OMDURMAN, Sudan (Christian Solidiarity Worldwide) — A court in Sudan has approved the demolition of a 2000 square metre block of properties owned by the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church (SPEC) in Omdurman, Sudan’s second city.

The properties adjacent to the church comprise three homes that are rented to private tenants, three medical clinics, two laboratories, a pharmacy and a shop. The tenants, owners and the legitimate administrative committee of SPEC did not receive legal notification of the decision and only became aware of the plans when police officers arrived at the properties on May 25.

Among the significant police presence which arrived at the premises on 25 May were four trucks and members of the armed police units who displayed their weapons. Some of the tenants were able to submit an appeal, and the court has stayed the demolition order until June 7. Prior to the second order, three homes, including that of a 75-year-old man, and several businesses were destroyed.

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