Jesus' Coming Back

‘D.C. Is Going To Soon Find Out’: Greg Abbott Warns He Might Send 450 Buses Of Illegals To Washington; Gov Abbott: We’ve Sent 45 Buses of Migrants to DC So Far, Willing to Send 450 and More

‘D.C. Is Going To Soon Find Out’: Greg Abbott Warns He Might Send 450 Buses Of Illegals To Washington

Texas GOP Governor Greg Abbott, who has sent busloads of illegal immigrants to Washington D.C. in order to relieve the burden on local communities in his state, said he is willing to flood Washington D.C. with ten times the previous number of buses in order to awaken Washington D.C. to the stress border states are facing.

Abbott said that the Biden administration didn’t seem to care about the thousands of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border over the river rather than through ports of entry, then turned to the buses he had already sent.

“We’re up to our 45th bus now; when you add a zero to that I think that Washington D.C. is going to soon find out they’re going to be dealing with the same consequences we’re dealing with,” he warned.

“One thing we know for a fact is that there are maybe as many as 100,000 migrants who are across the border waiting to cross into Texas,” Abbot noted. “The Biden administration seems to be letting in people whether they’re crossing through the port of entry or across the river.”

Abbot pointed out that the drug cartels on the other side of the border wanted illegals to cross the river instead of the ports of entry because that would keep the border patrol preoccupied with them rather than the cartels and their transports. —>READ MORE HERE

Gov Abbott: We’ve Sent 45 Buses of Migrants to DC So Far, Willing to Send 450 and More:

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s Lone Star State has already sent 45 buses of migrants to Washington, D.C., and Abbot said this week he’s ready to send 10 times that number and more if that’s what it takes to get the Biden administration to pay attention to the crisis on the southern border.

At a joint news conference Monday in Eagle Pass, Texas, with the city’s mayor and other officials, Abbott said he will keep the busing program going, after launching it last month, because moving the migrants out is a “relief valve” to border communities.

“And we’re up to our 45th bus now, when you add a zero to that, I think Washington, D.C., is going to soon find out they’re going to be dealing with the same consequences as we’re dealing with,” the Republican said.

“Our goal in sending the buses is to help local communities. The idea arose in a meeting like I had here, but it was in Uvalde,” Abbott explained.

He recounted that the city of 16,000 had “no capability” of dealing with the flood of humanity on its own.

“And they talked about having to put them on buses and send them up to San Antonio. I said, ‘I have a better idea, we’re going to send them to Washington, D.C,’” Abbott said. —>READ MORE HERE

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