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Joni Ernst: Joe Biden Paying Contractors $3M Every Day to Not Build Border Wall; Exclusive Footage: Biden Leaves Holes in Border Wall, Creating Ideal Path for Illegal Aliens

Joni Ernst: Joe Biden Paying Contractors $3M Every Day to Not Build Border Wall:

President Joe Biden is paying federal contractors upwards of $3 million every day to not construct border wall along the United States-Mexico border, Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) says.

During an exclusive interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily, Ernst detailed her latest legislation titled the BUILD IT Act which would turn over the unused border wall materials, already paid for by American taxpayers, to states that could then continue constructing the barrier at the border.

In January 2021, Biden halted all construction of border wall.

“[My legislation] turns over those unused materials, that were purchased to construct the southern border barrier, to any state that wishes to finish the job. What we have done — we have purchased these materials,” Ernst said.

“Joe Biden canceled the construction of a border wall along the southern border, calling it a waste of money,” she continued. “But since he canceled that contract, the administration has continued paying contractors upwards of $3 million every single day to watch over these unused materials.” —>READ MORE HERE

Exclusive Footage: Biden Leaves Holes in Border Wall, Creating Ideal Path for Illegal Aliens:

President Joe Biden’s halt of border wall construction has left giant holes across the United States-Mexico border where border crossers and illegal aliens can freely funnel into the nation.

Footage taken by Breitbart News in the San Diego sectors of the U.S.-Mexico border shows unfinished 30-foot border wall that would have been completed if not for Biden’s executive order issued in January 2021 that ordered a halt to all wall construction.

On the Mexican side of the wide-open gaps sits a compound that sources said has continuously gotten larger over the last couple of years. Federal officials believe the compound is used for smuggling border crossers and illegal aliens, as well as drugs, into the U.S. late at night.

The region’s terrain is so difficult to navigate that officials would be unlikely to get to human smuggling and drug trafficking operations utilizing the holes in the border wall, creating an ideal path into the U.S. for the Mexican drug cartels. —>READ MORE HERE

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