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U.S. Senate Pushes Forward Bipartisan Gun Control Bill

The U.S. Senate voted this week to push forward a new bipartisan gun control bill.

According to Fox News, the Senate voted 64 to 34 in favor of the legislation, showing that the bill could meet the 60-vote threshold it needs to break a filibuster in the Senate when it is officially voted on.

The bill would need all Senate Democrats and at least 10 Republicans to vote in favor of it to avoid a filibuster.

If the bill passes in the Senate or a filibuster is broken, the bill would go up for a final vote. The House would then need to vote on the bill before it could head to President Joe Biden’s desk for final approval.

The new bill includes expanded background checks and funding to allow states to pass and implement crisis intervention orders, also known as “Red Flag Laws.” The Red Flag Laws would allow authorities to confiscate weapons from people deemed dangerous.

Also, “billions in new funding” would be earmarked for mental health and school safety measures across the country.

The legislation also fixes what’s been called “the boyfriend loophole,” which prevents “violent spouses or domestic abusers from acquiring a firearm if they are convicted of abuse against their partner.”

Earlier this month, a bipartisan group of senators came to an agreement on possible gun legislation. That agreement was the basis of the newest legislation.

“I support the bill text that Sen. (John) Cornyn and our colleagues have produced,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a statement.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the chamber is ready to “move to final passage (of the bill) as soon as possible. He said that could be as early as the end of the week.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also said she would push through the legislation quickly in the House.

“After the Senate passes this bill, the House will swiftly bring it to the Floor so that we can send it to President Biden’s desk.”

Previously, President Biden said of the bipartisan proposal that it “would be the most significant gun safety legislation to pass Congress in decades.”


Bipartisan Group of Senators Reach Agreement on Framework for New Gun Control Legislation

Photo courtesy: ©Kenny Luo/Unsplash

Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.


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