Jesus' Coming Back

Dem Rep. Speier on Dobbs Decision: ‘There Is a War out There,’ ‘Armor Up’

Representative Jackie Speier (D-CA) said Friday on MSNBC’s “Hallie Jackson Reports” that the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade means “there is a war out there, and we need to recognize that we’ve got to armor up.”

Speier said, “This is the greatest setback of woman’s rights in the history of this country. We’ve never had the Supreme Court take away rights from people. It’s ironic that yesterday they expanded the rights for gun owners, and today, they’re taking rights away from women to control their own body. They are, in fact, mandating government mandates of pregnancy in this country. It cannot stand. We are going to take it to the November elections.”

She continued, “I think it’s a very real threat. I think it’s also a threat to have a national ban on abortions. And that’s why my state of California, we can’t take that lightly because we’ve got great laws on the books. And the Governor is about to sign one that enshrines it in the Constitution. I absolutely believe that they are on a path to ban contraception, to affect trans persons in terms of their rights, to ban same-sex marriages, and have an effect on LGBTQ rights in this country. There is a war out there, and we need to recognize that we’ve got to armor up.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN


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