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Saudi Diplomat Refuses to Make Human Rights Commitments, ‘We Take Issue with the Charges’

During an interview aired on Friday’s edition of CNN’s “Situation Room,” Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir, who was inside President Joe Biden’s meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, refused to make any commitments to addressing human rights issues and denied that such human rights abuses even exist.

Host Wolf Blitzer asked, “As you know, human rights groups extensively have documented what they claim to be Saudi Arabia’s ongoing jailing of dissidents, repression of basic women’s rights, mass executions, and more. Will the Crown Prince make specific commitments to President Biden and to the U.S., … to the world on addressing these basic human rights issues?”

Al-Jubeir responded, “We take issue with the charges that are leveled against Saudi Arabia. Anybody who is punished is subject to a court review and the charges are brought by the prosecution. The courts look into it. The defendants have the right to appeal before the decision becomes final, just like in the United States. Unfortunately, many of the charges for which people are being punished are not reflected by those who cast aspersions on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its legal system.”

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