Jesus' Coming Back

An Unsecured Border Is a Mortal and Moral Hazard; Laxalt at the Border: Biden’s Policies Lead to Sexual Assaults, Migrant Deaths; Deported Child Sex Offenders Busted After Crossing Mexican Border to U.S.

An Unsecured Border Is a Mortal and Moral Hazard:

It happened outside Brackettville, Texas, which sits about halfway between Uvalde and the border crossing at Del Rio.

This was a shooting you probably did not hear about — in part, thankfully, because no one was hurt.

A U.S. Border Patrol agent was on a road that runs out of Brackettville when he saw a Chevrolet Suburban heading north. It was just before 10:00 a.m. on Jan. 3, 2021.

“The USBP agent activated his overhead lights to initiate a vehicle stop on the SUV in order to conduct an immigration inspection,” said a criminal complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas.

“A high-speed pursuit ensued as the SUV attempted to abscond from USBP agents,” the complaint alleged. “During the course of the pursuit multiple shots were fired at the USBP agents who were attempting to stop the vehicle. The vehicle traveled at a high rate of speed, in excess of 100 MPH for approximately twenty-eight minutes before law enforcement officers were able to successfully deploy spike strips, bringing the vehicle to a stop.”

“USBP agents apprehended six (6) Honduran nationals who were illegally present in the United States without proper documentation,” alleged the complaint.

The driver of the vehicle was also illegally in the United States. He was, alleged the complaint, “Sergio Trevino, a Mexican national and illegal alien, who initially absconded from the SUV, but was later apprehended.”

“Sergio Trevino admitted his involvement in the failed alien smuggling event by stating he was hired by a friend in Houston, Texas to knowingly and willingly transport IAs further into the United States,” alleged the complaint. “Trevino stated he was going to be paid approximately $2,000.00 USD for transporting the IAs. —>READ MORE HERE

Laxalt at the Border: Biden’s Policies Lead to Sexual Assaults, Migrant Deaths:

Nevada U.S. Senate Candidate Adam Laxalt ventured to the U.S.-Mexico border over the weekend to document what he describes as a “humanitarian crisis” overseen by Democrats and the Biden administration.

Former Nevada Attorney General Laxalt posted several videos on Twitter of his trip with Border Patrol, law enforcement officials, and local ranchers, who showed him the “horrific” conditions at the southern border along the Rio Grande. Laxalt first stopped at a ranch, where he found “clothes, backpacks & water bottles wrapped in black tape (to block the reflection of the plastic) left by illegal immigrants” and spoke of brutal “106 degree heat.”

“Last night I had the opportunity to tour Brooks County, TX with local ranchers and law enforcement,” he wrote the next day. “They showed me firsthand how Biden’s open border policies and lack of resources/federal aid is greatly impacting communities across the border.” —>READ MORE HERE

Follow link below to a relevant story:

Deported Child Sex Offenders Busted After Crossing Mexican Border to U.S.

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