Jesus' Coming Back

No, Politico, Joe Biden Was Never In The Game

One day after the U.S. officially entered a recession, something the White House has repeatedly denied, the partisan cheerleaders at Politico shamelessly declared that “Joe Biden is back in the game.”

“After enduring a brutal year, Biden is suddenly on the verge of a turnaround that, the White House believes, could salvage his summer — and alter the trajectory of his presidency,” Politico authors Adam Cancryn, Jonathan Lemire, and Christopher Cadelago wrote.

Despite Politico’s insistence that the tides are turning for the commander in chief, President Biden was never in the game. Unless, of course, the “game” was hurting Americans, their liberties, and their pocketbooks from day one.

Even Politico’s tone-deaf puff piece admits that Biden’s term is tainted by “economic angst, legislative setbacks and sinking approval ratings,” which the corporate media outlet pegged at just 37 percent this week. That’s in addition to a growing border crisis, disastrous foreign policy including the fatal Afghanistan withdrawal, rampant inflation, a formula shortage, forced Covid-19 jabs, abortion radicalism that contradicts most Americans’ feelings about life in the womb, energy dependence, a war on parents concerned about indoctrination in schools, and a shady family business that’s under federal investigation.

Nothing marks success like an administration marred with endless catastrophes, right?

That doesn’t seem to matter to Politico, however, which argued that the reconciliation bill agreed upon by Democrat Sens. Joe Manchin and Chuck Schumer on Wednesday could be the saving grace for Biden and his party. This expensive legislation will only exacerbate inflation and aggravate voters already frustrated with rapidly rising costs, yet Politico hailed it as the agreement the White House needed “to play a more significant role in convincing a handful of remaining Democrats to take the victory that’s in front of them.”

How convenient to suggest that mere months before the upcoming midterms, Biden can magically save the Democrats’ national agenda from the ashes of his failed administration.

Polling says Americans aren’t buying what the “Always Be Closing” president and his cronies in the corrupt press are selling. According to the latest AP-NORC survey, 85 percent of American adults think the country is headed in the wrong direction. Even 78 percent of Democrats, Biden’s base, say they are dissatisfied with the direction of the nation.

Biden is a benchwarmer who will be the face of the regime until he isn’t useful for the Democrats and the corporate media who installed him anymore. For now, Biden is protected by media lapdogs such as Politico and the promise of a legislative deal.

But he was never “in the game” and after one and a half years of catastrophes at home and abroad including a recession, it’s safe to say he won’t get into it anytime soon.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire and Fox News. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.

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