Jesus' Coming Back

‘Remember their names’: Early Rain Church member testifies of religious persecution in China

(ChinaAid) At the 2022 IRF Summit, ChinaAid invited Ren Ruiting, a former member of the Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, to give a presentation. Ren gave a three-part testimony on her personal experience of the Chinese government’s persecution of Christian faith communities and individuals.

Due to China’s religious persecution, Ren Ruiting and her family fled to Taiwan in 2019. Due to restrictions imposed by Taiwan’s refugee policy, under the coordination of ChinaAid, her family came to the United States in 2021. They currently reside in Florida.

She recalled during the IRF Summit that she and her family experienced firsthand the Chinese regime’s harassment of their church, Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, China’s southwestern province of Sichuan. She witnessed police officers surveilling church members and raiding multiple church gatherings.

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