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Lawmakers Push for Citizenship Pathway for Afghan Refugees; Biden’s Handlers Released 324 Unvetted Afghan Evacuees on Terror Watchlist Into the U.S.

Lawmakers push for citizenship pathway for Afghan refugees:

A bipartisan group of lawmakers has introduced legislation aimed at introducing a pathway to citizenship for thousands of refugees admitted to the U.S. under temporary immigration status amid the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan last year.

The bill, introduced in the Senate on Tuesday, would also improve and expand the process for obtaining Special Immigrant Visas, a problem-plagued program designed for Afghans who assisted the United States throughout the 20-year war.

“These evacuees are people who stood by our service members, risking their safety and the safety of their loved ones, in support of the U.S. mission in Afghanistan,” said Sen. Roy Blunt, Missouri Republican. “This bill maintains a rigorous vetting process while providing an opportunity for Afghan refugees to rebuild their lives in America.”

Mr. Blunt was joined by Sens. Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota Democrat, Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican, Christopher A. Coons, Delaware Democrat, Lisa Murkowski, Alaska Republican, and Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut Democrat.

A companion bill was introduced in the House by Reps. Peter Meijer, Michigan Republican, and Earl Blumenauer, Oregon Democrat.

The U.S. evacuated nearly 77,000 Afghans last year in a frantic operation that began just weeks before Kabul fell under Taliban rule. Many of those evacuated were granted humanitarian parole, which allows them to stay in the U.S. for just two years. —>READ MORE HERE

Biden’s Handlers Released 324 Unvetted Afghan Evacuees on Terror Watchlist Into the US:

Biden’s catastrophically botched withdrawal from Afghanistan was bad enough in itself, diminishing America’s standing in the world and projecting an image of weakness that has encouraged and emboldened enemies of our nation worldwide. The fallout from it, however, could be incalculably worse. A Defense Department (DoD) whistleblower has revealed that 324 of the Afghans whom U.S. forces brought to the United States as the disaster in Afghanistan was unfolding appeared on the department’s Biometrically Enabled Watchlist (BEWL), which includes terrorists, and yet were admitted into the country without being vetted. No one who has been watching the spreading dumpster fire that is the Biden administration could possibly be surprised.

Senators Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) and Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) have called upon the DoD to investigate. On Thursday, they wrote to DoD Acting Inspector General Sean O’Donnell about their “concern over new allegations raised by a Department of Defense (DoD) whistleblower. This information may show the Biden Administration’s failure to vet those evacuated from Afghanistan was even worse than the public was led to believe. The following allegations demand an immediate investigation by your office.” There should indeed be an investigation, but in these days of the hyper-politicization of everything and concomitant wokeification of the government bureaucracy, a genuinely illuminating investigation is about as likely to happen as Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis getting the Democrat nomination for president in 2024.

Epoch Times reported Friday that “the BEWL identifies individuals whose biometrics have been collected and determined by analysts to be threats or potential threats to national security, including known suspected terrorists.” But instead of stopping those who appeared on this watchlist, the whistleblower contents that “White House and DoD officials instructed agency personnel to ‘cut corners’ and not conduct full fingerprint tests on the evacuees at staging bases in Europe, ‘in order to promote the rushed evacuation from Afghanistan.’” —>READ MORE HERE

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