Jesus' Coming Back

DeSantis Says Moving Migrants Exposed Democrat ‘Virtue-Signaling’ – Border Now ‘Front-Burner Issue’

Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) said Monday on MSNBC’s “Hannity” that by sending migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, he exposed that Democrats’ sanctuary jurisdictions are “virtue-signaling” and made immigration and the border “a front-burner issue.”

DeSantis said, “You had millions of people since Biden has been president, illegally coming across the Southern border. Did they freak out on that? No. You have had migrants die in the Rio Grande. You had 50 die in Texas a trailer because they were neglected. Was there a freak-out about that? No. You’ve had criminal aliens get across that southern border and victimize Americans, killing some, raping some. Was there any type of outrage about that? No. And then, of course, we know fentanyl deaths are at an all-time high.”

He continued, “It is only when 50 get put into Martha’s Vineyard, which wasn’t saying they didn’t want this, they said they wanted this. They said they are a sanctuary jurisdiction. These are people who were basically destitute and then put in a situation where they could have succeeded, but that was all virtue-signaling. Not only did they not welcome them, they departed them the next day with the National Guard. Give me a break.”

He added, “I think what we have been able to do is show that this border is a disaster. Biden failed on this as much or more than any other policy. People are talking about it. We want solutions as Americans.”

DeSantis concluded, “People need to press the case in the mid-terms. The economy will be a big issue. Crime will be a huge issue. This immigration and border is now a front-burner issue. This is one where republicans have the advantage without question.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN


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