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Census: Biden Grows Foreign-Born Population to Highest Level Ever; New Government Reports Show Foreign-Born Population at 46.8 Million: Number Surges by Two Million Since 2021

Census: Biden Grows Foreign-Born Population to Highest Level Ever:

Under President Joe Biden, the foreign-born population of the United States has grown to its highest level ever recorded, the U.S. Census Bureau reports.

Over the last year, the Biden administration added two million new foreign-born residents to the U.S. population — illegal aliens and legal immigrants on green cards and visas — serving as a boon for Biden’s billionaire donors in the financial industry who are some of the biggest beneficiaries of mass immigration and an ever-growing populace.

According to Steven Camarota at the Center for Immigration Studies, who analyzed the latest Census Bureau data, the foreign-born population hit nearly 47 million this year, which is the largest ever recorded by the agency’s Annual Social and Economic Supplement survey.

Since 1970, the nation’s foreign-born population has quintupled and since 1980, it has tripled in size. In 1990, the foreign-born population was just half of what it is today — with 1-in-7 U.S. residents having been born outside of the country.

“The foreign-born share of the U.S. population is approaching the record highs reached in 1910 (14.7 percent) and 1890 (14.8 percent),” Camarota writes. —>READ MORE HERE

New Government Reports Show Foreign-Born Population at 46.8 Million:

Number surges by two million since 2021

Reports released today by the Census Bureau show a dramatic rebound in the nation’s foreign-born or immigrant population (legal and illegal together) to 46.8 million, as of March of this year — up two million since last year. The dramatic growth in the number reflects, at least in part, the surge of illegal immigration at the southern border.

The new health insurance, poverty, and income reports are not primarily focused on immigration, but they include information on the size of the foreign-born population and some limited socio-economic information on them. The reports are based on the Current Population Survey’s 2022 Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS ASEC), collected in March. (“Immigrants” or the “foreign-born” include all persons who were not U.S. citizens at birth: naturalized citizens, legal permanent residents, long-term temporary visitors, and illegal immigrants.)

Reports by the Center for Immigration Studies in recent months have examined growth in the foreign-born population based on the monthly CPS without the annual supplement. The new information from the CPS ASEC includes the supplement, which over-samples minorities and should provide a somewhat more accurate count of the foreign-born.

The falloff in the size of the foreign-born population during Covid was clearly just a blip. The dramatic growth we are seeing almost certainly reflects the ongoing border crisis and the enormous numbers of new illegal immigrants settling in the country.

Among the information released today:

  • The CPS ASEC found that the nation’s foreign-born population (legal and illegal together) reached 46.8 million in March 2022 — the highest number this survey has ever shown (Table A-1 in the health insurance report). 
  • The 46.8 million in March 2022 represents a two million increase over the CPS ASEC collected last year1 (Table A-1 in the health insurance report). 
  • Long-term, the growth in the foreign-born population has been extraordinary, doubling since 1990, tripling since 1980, and quintupling since 1970.


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