Jesus' Coming Back

Muslims Take Christian Woman, Saw Her Legs Off, Cut Her Fingers Off, Put Her Severed Finger Into Her Mouth, And Strip Her Naked. One Muslim Man Says: “Look At The Bitch… She Became A Rock.’

Soldiers for Azerbaijan — a Muslim country — took an Armenian woman soldier, sawed her legs off, cut off her fingers and put her severed finger into her mouth, and stripped her naked. They then took film of her body:

According to OC Media:

On Friday, the Armenian Ministry of Defence confirmed that the woman in question was killed during the clashes on 13–14 September along the Armenia-Azerbaijan border.

The footage, ostensibly filmed by an Azerbaijani soldier, shows a number of bodies of Armenian soldiers, including two women.

One of the women has been stripped naked with text written across her breasts and stomach. A stone has been placed in her eye socket and a severed finger in her mouth.

The man filming the scene comments in Azerbaijani: ‘look at the bitch, there are two women. She became a rock.’

The Chief of the General Staff of the Armenian Armed Forces spoke about the footage during a visit by foreign diplomats to the resort town of Jermuk in the southern Vayots Dzor Province on Friday. The town was subject to Azerbaijani shelling, with Azerbaijani troops taking control of positions near the town during the fighting.

‘They committed atrocities in our combat positions against our servicemembers, including women servicemembers’, Edward Asryan told the diplomats. ‘I can’t find words to describe how they dismembered a female soldier, cut off her legs, and fingers, stripped her naked, this is the ultimate level of cruelty’, he added, promising to show the video to them.


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