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Survey: Joe Biden’s Approval Underwater on Every Key Issue

President Joe Biden’s approval rating is underwater on every key issue listed in the latest The Economist/YouGov survey.

The survey, taken September 17-20, 2022, among 1,500 U.S. adult citizens, found Biden’s overall approval underwater by seven percent, as a majority, 51 percent, find him unfavorable, compared to 44 percent who view him favorably. The gap grows even more when respondents were asked if they approve or disapprove of the way Biden is handling his job as president — 51 percent disapproving and 42 percent approving. 

It does not end there, however. The survey also asked respondents to rate the president on a variety of issues, but on every single issue listed in the poll, Biden’s approval rating is completely underwater. For instance, he has a net negative approval on jobs and the economy, as 41 percent approve, compared to 48 percent who disapprove. 

His net approval on immigration is even worse. He is underwater by 20 percentage points, as 53 percent disapprove, and 33 percent approve. 

This trend continues on every other issue listed.

35 percent approve
48 percent disapprove

Civil Rights:
40 percent approve
41 percent disapprove

Civil liberties:
39 percent approve
41 percent disapprove

35 percent approve
47 percent disapprove

Criminal Justice Reform:
33 percent approve
47 percent disapprove

Most, 52 percent, doubt Biden cares about the needs and problems of “people like you.” Of those, 38 percent said he “doesn’t care at all,” and 14 percent said “not much.” Further, 58 percent tend to believe Biden is a “weak” leader, and a plurality–46 percent–are “pessimistic” about the next few years with Biden at the helm. 

The survey has a +/- 2.9 percent margin of error and coincides with the findings of a recent Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, which found former President Donald Trump still outperforming Biden on a range of issues as well.  

A recent survey from The Economist/YouGov showed Biden’s approval completely underwater on the issue of crime, as 33 percent approve, and 47 percent disapprove. 

The president’s abysmal approval ratings come weeks ahead of the midterm elections, and Democrats hope to disassociate themselves from the social and economic woes that have occurred under the Biden administration.


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