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WTF? … Joe Biden: ‘Not Rational’ to Deport Migrants; Biden questioned on migrant surge, says ‘not rational’ to ‘send them back’ to Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua

Joe Biden: ‘Not Rational’ to Deport Migrants:

President Joe Biden suggested on Tuesday it is “not rational” to return economic migrants to their homes in the autocratic states of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

“Fewer immigrants [are] coming from Central America and from Mexico,” Biden told reporters when he was asked about the huge migration on Friday. He added:

This is a totally different circumstance [from prior years]. What’s on my watch now is Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua. And the ability to send them [the migrants] back to those states is not rational.

However, Biden’s migration is unfairly pressuring down Americans’ wages. It is also boosting rents and housing prices, and pushing up inflation for a wide variety of goods, such as used autos and food.

Biden’s opposition to deportation is also giving the GOP an advantage in the midterm elections. Biden’s migration is giving voters rational pocketbook reasons to vote for the GOP in the House and even the Senate. Those rational votes could sink the agendas pushed by other advocacy groups within the Democratic Party.

So far, GOP leaders are moving slowly to make a pocketbook case against migration in the 2022 election, amid strong pressure from donors who do not want the public to view migration as an economic issue. —>READ MORE HERE

Biden questioned on migrant surge, says ‘not rational’ to ‘send them back’ to Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua:

President Biden said Tuesday that it is “not rational” to send migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border back to nations like Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua as concerns grow over the number of migrants arriving at the southern border.

A reporter asked Biden why the border is “more overwhelmed on your watch.”

“Because there are three countries,” Biden began. “There are fewer and fewer immigrants coming from Central America than from Mexico. It’s a totally different circumstance.”

“What’s on my watch now is Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, and the ability to send them back to those states is not rational,” he continued.

“We’re working with Mexico and other countries to see if we can stop the flow,” he added.

Biden has faced mounting questions over the number of illegal crossings and the spike in apprehensions at the border as conservative leaders have begun transporting migrants to various locations across the U.S., including Martha’s Vineyard and even in front of Vice President Kamala Harris’ home in Washington, D.C. —>READ MORE HERE

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