Fox’s Ainsley Earhardt Highlights the Importance of Sharing the Gospel with Children

“When I was growing up, my mother, on our birthdays, would say, ‘I’m so glad you were born,’ and that was her message to us. So, one day, I was on air, and I said it, and all of the crew and my co-anchors started laughing on ‘Fox & Friends,’” Earhardt told The 700 Club. And I said, ‘I know it sounds funny, and I know you’ve probably never heard that before, but think about it. It’s your birthday. It’s the day that you were born. It’s a very special — you’re going to contribute to this earth, to this world, and God’s going to use you in a mighty way.’”
Earhardt told Faithwire that she believes children need to learn early on that God has a purpose for their lives.
“Because we are going to have hard times,” she said. “We’re going to have ups and downs in life, and you’re going to have valleys, and you’re going to have mountains. But through it all, God says, ‘Take heart, I have overcome the world.’ And I love that Scripture because it reminds me that, no matter what you’re going through, He has already overcome it.”
Earhardt is a vocal believer and says she is also part of a women’s Bible study.
“I have an all-women Bible study, and we meet on Friday mornings after the show at one of my friends’ apartments,” she said. “And we say we pray circles around our children’s schools. One of the ladies actually physically walks around our children’s schools and prays for the classrooms. And we live in New York, and it’s not South Carolina anymore, and it’s a little more progressive than other states. And so we are praying just for our children.”
Earhardt has worked for Fox News since 2007. She became co-host of Fox and Friends in 2016.
“I really feel like God chose me for this position because He wanted me to be bold and wanted me to share the Gospel,” she said. “And Fox allows that, and now, with these children’s books, sharing the message to children to the next generation, which is so important, is just such an honor.”
Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Jamie McCarthy/Staff
Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.
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