Watch: Herschel Walker Annihilates Warnock for Dodging on His Church’s Efforts to Evict Apartment Residents

Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker annihilated Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) during Friday’s night debate for dodging questions about his church’s effort to evict apartment residents.
“It is written in the paper,” Walker charged Warnock. “Senator, you did [try to evict], and it is okay to speak the truth. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor, senator,” Walker said.
“Do not bear false witness,” Walker repeated. “He won’t answer about people evicted by the church … You’re evicting them right now.”
“We have not evicted those tenants,” Warnock claimed.
“Well, I didn’t write the article,” Walker shot back.
Yikes! Walker roasts Warnock for claiming he didn’t evict tenants
— Jacob Bliss (@JacobMBliss) October 15, 2022
Warnock’s church, Ebenezer Baptist Church, attempted to evict eight tenants from the Atlanta apartment building the nonprofit owns for as little as $28.55 in overdue rent. Financial statements from 2021 show the church possesses liquid assets of more than $1.2 million.
The apartment building, which caters to the “chronically homeless” and those with “mental disabilities,” has found itself sued a dozen times during the pandemic by tenants. One of the latest lawsuits shows a tenant was asked to vacate the apartment building for $4,900 due in back rent, a sum that is nearly half of Warnock’s pastoral monthly housing allowance.
“They treat me like a piece of shit. They’re not compassionate at all,” resident Phillip White, a 69-year-old black Vietnam War veteran, told the Free Beacon this week.
Walker has pledged to pay past due rents to stop “Reverend Warnock from evicting” tenants who live in the church’s building. “I will personally pay the $4,900 in past due rents listed in this article to keep Reverend Warnock from evicting these people.”
In 2021, Warnock’s income from Ebenezer Baptist Church was $120,964, in addition to a housing allowance of $ 7,417 per month. Throughout Warnock’s senate career, he has more than doubled his income.
Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.
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