Jesus' Coming Back

Record Breaking: Joe Biden Welcomes Foreign Population at Southern Border Greater than 15 States; Biden’s 2022 Illegal Migration Delivers 7 Migrants for Every 10 U.S. Births

Joe Biden Welcomes Foreign Population at Southern Border Greater than 15 States:

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) welcomed a foreign population at the United States-Mexico border in fiscal year 2022 that exceeds the populations of 15 states.

As Breitbart News reported, Biden’s DHS has overseen the largest inflow of illegal immigration in a single fiscal year with more than 2.2 million border crossers and illegal aliens having arrived at the southern border from October 1, 2021, to September 20, 2022.

“We have simply never seen these numbers before in our history, and the Biden open-borders policies are the reason,” former Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Chief Mark Morgan, a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation, said in a statement.

“As bad as it has gotten, things will only get worse, and I fear what major catastrophe could come next,” Morgan continued.

The record-breaking level of illegal immigration indicates that in fiscal year 2022, Biden’s DHS welcomed a foreign population to the U.S. that exceeds the resident populations of Wyoming, Vermont, Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Delaware, Montana, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, Hawaii, West Virginia, Idaho, Nebraska, and New Mexico.

“The time for excuses is over—the next Congress needs to take actual steps to hold this administration accountable for the chaos and carnage they have unleashed on our southwest border,” former Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Thomas Homan, also a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation, said: —>READ MORE HERE

Biden’s 2022 Illegal Migration Delivers 7 Migrants for Every 10 U.S. Births:

President Joe Biden’s deputies welcomed 1.66 million economic migrants across the U.S. southern border in 2022, according to data revealed late Friday by the Department of Homeland Security.

Even though the migrants entered illegally, Biden’s deputies are using a variety of legal pretexts — under Title 8 of U.S. law — to release the migrants so they can work to pay off their smuggling debts to banks and loan sharks.

The huge inflow aids investors and employers by cutting Americans’ wages and by boosting housing prices.

The 1.66 million economic migrants welcomed in 2022 are just part of the massive 2022 inflow.

An additional 500,000 unreported migrants sneaked across the border, according to official counts leaked to Breitbart News and other outlets.

The 500,000 additional illegal migrants pushed the total cross-border inflow to roughly 2.5 million in Biden’s second fiscal year, which started on October 1, 2021, and ended on September 30. —>READ MORE HERE

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