Jesus' Coming Back

Truett McConnell University Endows Faculty Chair of Theology in Honor of Dr. Charles Stanley

A Georgia-based Christian university has endowed a faculty chair of theology in honor of pastor and author Charles Stanley for his ministry.

According to The Christian Post, Truett McConnell University announced Monday that the school received a $3 million gift to endow the Dr. Charles F. Stanley Chair of Theology and the creation of the Global Impact Center in Miller Hall in Stanley’s honor.

Anthony George, a TMU trustee and successor to Stanly as senior pastor of First Baptist Atlanta, issued a statement in favor of the decision.

“Stanley’s preaching has been marked by our Baptist doctrinal trademarks such as Biblical infallibility, Trinitarian theology, the substitutionary atonement, the exclusivity of Christ, and the priesthood and eternal security of the believer,” George said.

“This gift and the naming of this Chair of Theology could not have honored anyone more fitting. His ministry has modeled the bold proclamation of Scripture so visibly, so practically, so consistently, and so globally, and to this day stands on a rock-solid theological foundation.”

The Dean of Hubmaier School of Theology and Missions and Associate Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies, Dr. Mael Disseau, will be the first professor to occupy the chair.

“TMU’s foundation as a Christian university is, and must be, the Word of God. It is, therefore, only fitting that the first endowed chair given to this institution is a Chair of Theology,” Disseau said. It is also very appropriate that this gift is given to honor Dr. Stanley, who has spent his life teaching the Word of God and fighting for the Word of God and its primacy.”

Stanley led First Baptist for 51 years until his retirement in 2020. His alma mater, Southwestern Seminary evangelism school, also previously named an endowed chair after him.

He is also the founder and president of In Touch Ministries, which broadcasts his sermons on television and radio. He served two one-year terms as president of the Southern Baptist Convention from 1984-1986.

Photo courtesy: Department of Defense/Sgt. Nancy Lugo/Public Domain 

Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer. He is also the co-hosts of the For Your Soul podcast, which seeks to equip the church with biblical truth and sound doctrine. Visit his blog Blessed Are The Forgiven.


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