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‘Politicized bureaucracy’ Has FBI ‘rotted at its core,’ GOP Charges in Shocking Report; Republicans Release 1,000-Page Report on Whistleblower Claims of Politicization at FBI and DOJ

‘Politicized bureaucracy’ has FBI ‘rotted at its core,’ GOP charges in shocking report:

The FBI is “rotted at its core,” has a “systemic culture of unaccountability” and is full of “rampant corruption, manipulation and abuse,” according to whistleblowers cited in a damning report released Friday by Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee.

The report, which runs 1,050 pages with appendices, amounts to a preview of coming investigations should Republicans win back the House in the Nov. 8 midterm elections.

“America’s not America if you have a Justice Department that treats people differently under the law,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, told Fox News Friday morning. “It’s supposed to be equal treatment under the law. That’s not happening and we know it’s not happening because 14 brave FBI agents came to us as whistleblowers and told us what exactly is going on here.”

In the document, GOP lawmakers accuse the bureau’s top brass of pursuing a “woke, leftist agenda” by artificially inflating the number of domestic extremism investigations, burying the investigation into first son Hunter Biden, and forcing out conservative employees.

“Quite simply, the problem — the rot within the FBI — festers in and proceeds from Washington,” the report’s introduction read. “[T]he FBI and its parent agency, the Justice Department, have become political institutions.” —>READ MORE HERE

Republicans release 1,000-page report on whistleblower claims of politicization at FBI and DOJ:

Republican lawmakers on the House Judiciary Committee have released a 1,000-page report detailing a “rampant culture of unaccountability, manipulation, and abuse at the highest level” of the FBI.

The GOP lawmakers say the report builds on several whistleblower disclosures that describe the FBI’s Washington hierarchy as “rotted at its core” with a “systemic culture of unaccountability.”

The report also accuses the bureau of “weaponizing” the federal government against its political opponents and aims to show how FBI leadership is biased against conservatives, particularly senior officials pressuring agents to reclassify cases as domestic violent extremism.

“The FBI is artificially inflating statistics about domestic violent extremism in the nation. Whistleblowers have described how FBI leadership is pressuring line agents to reclassify cases as domestic violent extremism even if the matter does not meet the criteria,” the report states.

The report, which was put together with the help of a parade of at least 14 whistleblowers from inside the FBI, puts a bullseye on the bureau and the Justice Department for intense investigations if, as expected, Republicans take control of Congress in the midterm elections on Tuesday.

The report is likely an outline of oversight investigations that the GOP plan to launch next year.

It also reveals whistleblower disclosures about how the FBI is “misrepresenting” the extent of domestic violent extremism across the country by categorizing Jan. 6-related investigations as organic cases that come from local field offices, as opposed to one single incident. —>READ MORE HERE

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