Jesus' Coming Back

AMNESTY ALERT: Democrats Call Protections for ‘Dreamers’ a Lame-Duck Priority; Lame-Duck Congress Creates Window for Legalizing Dreamers

Democrats call protections for ‘Dreamers’ a lame-duck priority:

Senate and House leaders seek Republican help to permanently protect undocumented immigrants who came to the country as children

Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer told a group of immigrant advocates and reporters at an event Wednesday that his “focus is on Dreamers,” or undocumented immigrants who came to the country as children, during the waning weeks of this Congress.

The New York Democrat, who controls the Senate’s agenda, has said that members of his party were working on legislation to help these immigrants and seeking to reach a deal in the lame duck, while the Democratic party still controls the House.

“My message to Senate Republicans is this: Work with us,” Schumer said in front of the Capitol. “Work with us on this widely supported policy so we can reach agreement that will protect families and strengthen our economy.”

Senate and House leaders kicked off the post-election lame-duck period with similar pledges to prioritize legislation to permanently protect recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, a long-time goal of immigrant advocates.

But even Democratic leaders acknowledge their efforts may fall short, with a slate of legislative tasks quickly filling up Congress’ calendar through the end of the year, opposition from some Republicans and the prospect of an increase in migration levels.

Democratic Whip Richard J. Durbin, who also chairs the Judiciary Committee that oversees immigration bills, said at Wednesday’s event that passing legislation to put DACA recipients on a path to permanent status is a “high priority this month in the Senate.” —>READ MORE HERE

Lame-duck Congress creates window for legalizing Dreamers:

Immigrant rights activists will descend on Washington this week to urge Democrats to take advantage of what may be their last remaining weeks of total control of Congress to pass a broad legalization bill for illegal immigrants.

Activists see a window of opportunity after Republicans ran hard on stricter border enforcement as an issue in the elections and failed to produce the political red wave that they anticipated.

Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights, which is organizing the activists’ trip to Washington, said the next weeks will be “a golden opportunity” for lawmakers to tackle “this 30-year albatross around the neck of our nation.”

“Latino and immigrant voters all across the nation are waiting on this Congress to deliver on their promises to uplift our community and recognize them with a path to full integration into society,” Ms. Salas said.

The last time Congress passed a major legalization bill was in 1986, and it has been more than 20 years since even smaller legalization cleared Capitol Hill.

Whether Congress has an appetite for a deal now is very much in question. ––>READ MORE HERE

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