December 7, 2022

Almost 50,000 Duke Power customers in Moore County, N.C. were left in the dark on Sunday night in what has been called a domestic act of terrorism.  A curfew is running from 9 P.M. to 5 A.M. as schools close and crime spikes.  Most customers remain without heat, refrigeration, and water.

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Duke Energy spokesman Jeff Brooks said, “We are looking at a pretty sophisticated repair with some fairly large equipment and so we do want citizens of the town to be prepared that this will be a multiday restoration for most customers, extending potentially as long as Thursday.”

Two power stations were targeted by direct gunfire.

The attackers knew “exactly what they were doing,” said Moore County, N.C. sherriff Ronnie Fields.  “It was a gate, and they went through the gate, got at the substation, and shot it as well. … It wasn’t random.”

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While the liberal media immediately started blaming “right-wing militants” because of a nearby gay pride march that afternoon, the broader implications of the attack have been largely ignored: our power grid is completely vulnerable to anyone with a gun and the knowledge of where to shoot.

Grid News reports that there are more than 55,000 such power stations throughout the country, and “[t]here were 70 reports of emergency electric incidents and disturbances caused by suspected physical attacks, sabotage or vandalism from January to August 2022, Grid’s analysis of the most recently available data from the Department of Energy found. That figure represents a 75 percent increase from 40 such reports in all of 2015[.]”

Jon Wellinghoff, former chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, said these gun attacks are “a problem that should take a relatively little amount of money and time to rectify, and one that can be taken care of with a few measures that would obstruct these pieces of infrastructure — primarily transformers — from view and from harm from projectiles. … Something as simple as sandbags would be effective,” Wellinghoff told Grid.  “It’s not rocket science here that we’re talking about to be able to protect these things.  And it’s not billions of dollars to protect these things either.  It’s several millions.”

In October, CBS News interviewed Wellinghoff, who discussed the attack south of San Jose, California of April 16, 2013.

For 20 minutes, gunmen methodically fired at high voltage transformers at the Metcalf Power substation. Security cameras captured bullets hitting the chain link fence. … The gunmen disappeared without a trace about a minute before a patrol car arrived. The substation was down for weeks, but fortunately PG&E had enough time to reroute power and avoid disaster. … [It] could’ve brought down all of Silicon Valley.

They never caught the perpetrators, but Wellinghoff concluded, “It was somebody who did have competent people who could in fact plan out this kind of a very sophisticated attack. … It was actually a very shocking result to us that there’s very few number of substations you need to take out, in the entire United States, to knock out the entire grid. … Less than 20.”