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Report: Biden Officials Worry ‘Open Borders’ Narrative Will Set Illegal Immigration Record as Title 42 Ends; Biden’s Deputies: 500,000 Migrants Per Month Expected at Border

Report: Biden Officials Worry ‘Open Borders’ Narrative Will Set Illegal Immigration Record as Title 42 Ends:

Officials in President Joe Biden’s White House are worried that an “open borders” narrative among migrants waiting in Mexico will set a new illegal immigration record as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ends the Title 42 border control.

This month, a federal judge struck down Title 42 — the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) authority first imposed by former President Trump in 2020 to allow Border Patrol agents to quickly remove illegal aliens arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Rather than appealing the judge’s decision, Biden’s DHS Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, asked the court for five weeks to wind down Title 42.

While Biden officials are still weighing what to do as Title 42’s end looms, Axios’s Stef Kight reports that they are concerned that an open borders narrative will reach migrants in Mexico, Central America, and South America and surge illegal immigration to a new record.

Axios reports: —>READ MORE HERE

Biden’s Deputies: 500,000 Migrants Per Month Expected at Border

Border chief Alejandro Mayorkas and his progressive deputies are warning Americans to expect a huge inflow of economic migrants if the Title 42 border barrier is dropped.

“Homeland security officials on Tuesday described contingency plans for managing as many as 18,000 encounters a day at the border, regardless of the cause,” reported the New York Times.

That inflow would add up to more than 500,000 people a month — or more migrants than American births in a month. The southern flood would exacerbate the economic damage already caused by the flood of roughly 1 million legal immigrants and perhaps 400,000 new visa workers.

The media briefing was likely intended to help persuade other officials at the White House and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – as well as judges – to preserve the Title 42 barrier when it expires this week.

The CDC-governed barrier allows Mayorkas to regulate the inflow of cross-border migrants to a level that does not break into the evening news. Mayorkas’ regulated level is about 150,000 per month, including roughly 50,000 migrants who sneak across the border.

But the alarm signal likely was also intended to mollify Biden’s progressive base of pro-migration, university-trained extremists who say they would prefer to see an open border for migrants — regardless of the wage-cutting, rent-spiking damage to ordinary Americans: —>READ MORE HERE

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