Jesus' Coming Back

Conquering Jealousy

Freedom comes when we confess our sin and believe that God has the best plan.

Freedom comes when we confess our sin and believe that God has the best plan.

James 3:14-18

What might start as a minor comparison between our own life and someone else’s can all too easily escalate out of control. Envy is like a snowball that grows larger and larger, and its consequences can be spiritually devastating.

Jealousy fills the heart with discontent, anxiety, and bitterness, distorting our thoughts until it’s nearly impossible to keep God’s plan in view. Our focus gets fixed on what we don’t have, which takes us down the crippling path of resentment toward others who have the desired object or trait.

What’s more, jealousy dishonors the Lord and is, in fact, sinful. James says it’s demonic in origin, causing disorder and leading to all kinds of evil (3:15-16). And Paul lists it as one of the deeds of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-20). The attitude amounts to finding fault with God—essentially claiming we deserve what someone else has and accusing Him of withholding the better blessing.

If you find evidence of jealousy in your life, follow the steps in James 4:7-10. Submit to God, resist the devil, confess it as sin, and turn away from the temptation of comparison. Focus on God’s goodness, and trust that His plan for your life is best.

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