December 10, 2022

The 2022 Word of the Year is… oh, wait a minute, I forgot.  Oh, yeah, it’s “dementia.”

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Actually, dementia is a devastating condition.  Apart from memory loss, symptoms include difficulty communicating, reasoning, planning, problem solving, and executive functions.  These are indications that should alert us to impaired cognitive functioning in our political leaders so we can offer them a cognitive test.

Dementia is one of the major causes of disability and dependency, especially among older people.  Though age is not determinative, impaired cognitive functioning among our elderly politicians is apparent.  Indeed, several keen observers, including Joe Concha, have noted the geriatric composition of our legislature.

With co-morbidities like the disease of liberalism, it produces demented Dems like Biden, Pelosi, Feinstein and Fetterman — though Fetterman has other medical issues making him incompetent.  In fact, even absent dementia, progressives are quite bonkers; for example, harboring liberal economic views can lower conscientiousness and increase neuroticism

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Perhaps overlooking the “mother of all parliaments,” some like to claim that our Senate is the world’s premier debate chamber.  How long can it maintain that reputation with members like Dianne Feinstein of California and senator-elect Fetterman?   

Age is just one risk factor for dementia, but it’s disconcerting that  the average age of members of the House at the beginning of the 117th Congress was 58.4 years; the average age of senators, 64.3 years.  Even more troubling, the risk of dementia rises as you age, especially after age 65.  No wonder Elon Musk declared that people over 70 should be barred from political office

That’s wishful thinking, because the Constitution applies no upper age limit for the Presidency or Congress.  Neither does it provide for term limits; in fact, a majority of delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 believed that longer serving members of Congress would become more effective.

The Supreme Court ruled a constitutional amendment is required to limit the number of terms members of Congress can serve.  In the meantime, during election debate season, we (debate commissions, sponsors, or even opposing candidates) might extend the option for geriatric candidates for statewide office (say, above the standard retirement age of 67) to take a cognitive test.  Those who refuse will at least be identified before mail-in balloting kicks in.

Congressman, and former White House physician, Ronny Jackson has noted Biden’s dementia-related symptoms, and has recommended he take a cognitive test.  I see his point:  Biden’s bizarre behavior, from shaking hands with a ghost to being escorted by the Easter bunny, is alarming.  Perhaps more disconcerting are his ominous overtones about nuclear Armageddon, and his warnings of severe illness and death. Can it get much worse:  the ugly Grim Reaper in Chief has dementia?  If we get the leaders we deserve, what have we done so badly…?

Dementia can manifest itself with childlike behaviors, as when Biden threatens to punch people, or when Pelosi petulantly ripped up President Trump’s State of the Union speech. Indeed, Nancy Pelosi is almost as incoherent as Biden, the Australian’s Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan observed. Her MSM minions can’t protect her by claiming this recent video was doctored — just see the closed captions.  Her 2022 press conferences were almost as uncomfortable as Biden’s befuddling presentations.