Jesus' Coming Back

Rand Paul: ‘Crazy Left-Wing Democrats’ Threaten Your Child’s Mental Health by Pushing Lockdowns, Gender Reassignment for Minors

Friday, during an appearance on FNC’s “The Ingraham Angle,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) argued so-called “left-wing Democrats” were promoting behaviors that were a threat to children.

Paul pointed to the COVID lockdowns and a not-so-subtle promotion of gender reassignment for minors by some as specific examples.

“Well, there’s no secret who was involved with the lockdowns, and I think the lockdowns have had an impact,” he said. “In June 2020, 3 months into this, I said we got to go back to school. That it was a mistake to keep the kids out of school because they weren’t becoming ill with COVID and they weren’t dying from COVID. Sweden took this advice, kept their schools open, and not one child died that was going to school. They actually didn’t wear masks in school, and still, not one child died in schools. The teachers didn’t get any sicker than any other profession. So the lockdowns were a big part of this. But also you have to imagine that the – and who’s responsible, Dr. Fauci, he continued to press for this.”

“But who is also responsible for telling a four-year-old that we need to talk about their gender and whether they’re in the appropriate body,” Paul continued. “Who’s talking about giving picture books to six-year-olds with illustrations of surgery to remove their genitalia? It’s Democrat politicians and woke left-wing people. There’s not one Republican – look, Republicans are not perfect. But Republicans are not pushing your child to have surgery to remove their genitalia as early as elementary school. No Republican is pushing this. These are crazy left-wing Democrats. It was also crazy left-wing Democrats who were for the lockdown across America.”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor


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