Jesus' Coming Back

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“God have mercy on this once great nation.”

He is and He will–and much more.

Just maybe not in the way we may expect, especially the way evil presumes things and seems to proceed with impunity (at least for now).

But eventually, like just now in this season of curtains being pulled back left and right, the millions of us who saw all this anti-America, anti-national soverignty turbo-charged 14 years ago are vindicated, i.e., those of us who never fell for cognitive dissonance when we heard the expression “fundamentally transform the United Sates of America” mouthed by slick tongues in shiny suits on short globalist leashes.

And we haven’t stopped thinking critically, planning carefully, praying without ceasing, and proceeding cautiously since then, if not since long before (look up the real history of socialism in America.)

Because the way evil operates, that is, the way it degrades, is that, given the blind hubris with which it perpetrates itself, it becomes sloppy, exposes itself for what it is (and they all write books…LOL), because it can’t help but smirk and brag, and few, if any except the greedy and power mad, are fooled anymore.

There is greater strength, always, in truth, faith in God, self-control, patience, and discernment.

Those who are dedicated to maintaining same may seem weak to the rich and powerful on their Hollywood-esque world stages, but if good did not persevere, with the mercy, grace, and blessings of God, the world as we have known it would have been toast at the Eden’s gate. If you think about it.

But the wisdom, strength, and power of God’s Spirit “blows withersoever it wills,” and gets the plan of plans done.

Not merely for the temporary life-cycle on earth but for eternity.

Carry on the Great Commission, brothers and sisters.

And don’t be demoralized during this season of exposure. The prophets came first with warnings. Think of it this way: it’s actually easier these days when the evil do that work themselves.

And exposes have their place in God’s plan, too: there are more people to wake up, free-up, and bring on board until evil spirals down to its prophetic end.


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