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CNN Poll: 59% of Democrats Want Someone Other than Joe Biden as 2024 Nominee 

A majority 59 percent of Democrats prefer someone other than President Joe Biden to be the party’s 2024 nominee, a CNN poll revealed Wednesday.

Among the 59 percent that prefer another Democrat to Biden, only 51 percent say they will “definitely” vote for Biden if he were the party’s 2024 nominee. Just 28 percent say they “probably” would vote for Biden.

Overall, 86 percent say they would support or would likely support Biden in a 2024 election if he were the party’s nominee.

Among those who prefer someone else to Biden, 72 percent have no specific alternative, which speaks to the Democrat Party’s dilemma of future succession.

Those mentioned as a replacement to Biden include Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg (5 percent), California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) (4 percent), Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) (4 percent), Vice President Kamala Harris (3 percent), and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) (2 percent).

Biden’s favorability rating is greater than the two greatest potential challengers to Biden. Biden’s favorability rating is 83 percent with 11 percent holding an unfavorable view. Newsom’s favorability is only 45 percent with 9 percent unfavorable, while Harris’s favorability score is 66 percent positive with 14 negative.

WASHINGTON, DC – OCTOBER 26: U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the economy in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on October 26, 2022, in Washington, DC. Biden outlined his plan to to target and end bank ‘junk fees.’ (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

Only 70 percent of Democrats believe Biden, the current leader of the Democrat Party and sitting president, deserves a second term, while 28 percent, over a quarter of the party, do not believe Biden deserves another four years at the future age of 82.

Fifty-six percent of young people, those younger than 35, say Biden deserves a second term. Eighty percent of Democrats older than 50 believe Biden does deserve a second term. Overall, just 62 to 37 percent of the electorate do not believe Biden deserves a second term.

The poll surveyed 1,208 Americans from December 1-7 with a 3.6 margin of error.

According to a CNBC/All-America Economic survey revealed Friday, 57 percent of Democrats do not want a second Biden campaign, two points less than the CNN poll.

The poll also found Biden’s age is a major concern:

The survey found that 47% of those who think Biden should not run say age is a major reason, including 61% of Democrats who don’t want him on the ballot and 66% of seniors. By contrast, just 43% of the 18-49 demographic group cite age as a major reason. Biden turned 80 last month.

If Biden won reelection in 2024, he would leave office at 86 years of age.

Polling has shown 58 percent of Americans believe he should receive at least a cognitive test. Less than 25 percent of voters strongly believe Biden is mentally fit, healthy, and stable.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


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