December 14, 2022

When warning Americans that freedom is in danger if political views that do not agree with theirs are not silenced, both Barack and Michelle Obama love to throw around the term “democracy.”  The Obama belief that opposing free speech somehow protects “democracy” proves that neither one understands the basic tenet of what they profess needs protecting.

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In Obama circles, rebuke, rejection, or refutation does not sit well.  These two hypersensitive narcissists thrive on things like public adoration and unswerving agreement.  The Obama brand of egotistical self-importance is so great that deviation from the Obama gospel is oftentimes met with vindictive attempts at public humiliation.

During his eight years in office, Obama overtly scolded detractors.  The former president fought his battles with a teleprompter and a weaponized federal government at his side.  A short list of some of the opponents Obama publicly targeted included the American Constitution — i.e., the Second Amendment — the U.S. military, pro-lifers, Christians, and right-leaning Supreme Court judges.  Obama made a sport of reprimanding Tea Party activists as well as conservative news stations and anchors.  Take, for example, his administration’s April 2009 opening salvo issued by the DHS, entitled, “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment,” or his malicious act of siccing IRS agents on those he deemed political adversaries.

Then, in 2016, the worst happened: voters overwhelmingly chose a different kind of president.  Most assuredly, the MAGA path was interpreted by the Obamas as a slap in the face.  After all, love him or hate him, Trump embodies everything anathema to the Obama brand.

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Recently, Michelle admitted that Trump’s win “still hurts.”  Of course it does: America delivered a stinging rebuke to everything Obama.  For the sin of speaking truth to power at the ballot box, the left, led by the Obamas, swung into high gear with the goal of orchestrating a comeback that would censure Trump and chasten those who elected him.

As a result, both Michelle and Barry embrace any opportunity to deliver stealthy implicit comments that mislead those enamored of the couple’s smooth-talking attempts to vindicate the offense they received in 2016.  Delivered as if there’s political unanimity, the ongoing attempt at personal exoneration reeks of desperation.

And so, with a vendetta against a man out of office for two years and hostility toward those who elected him, the recent unveiling of the Obama White House portraits devolved into another opportunity to bash Trump and define democracy the Obama way.

Short of donning a blonde, hair-sprayed combover wig, Michelle Obama warned America that a certain unnamed former president, who is questioning the results of the 2020 election, threatens her definition of democracy.  Michelle and Barack pretend they support a peaceful transfer of power and the democratic tradition of “moving on,” when in fact it’s the opposite.  Barack has never “moved on” and is likely a “third-term” puppeteer, pulling Joe “Marionette” Biden’s strings from the bunker of his $8.1-million Kalorama mansion.

That’s why, at the portrait début, Michelle exploited the occasion to vilify Trump while pretending she believes that “our democracy is so much stronger than our differences.”  Does Michelle need to be reminded that both she and her husband have spent their entire political careers discrediting views different from their own and punishing rather than celebrating opposing points of view?  Michelle and Barack Obama have never respected the differing views of the American people.  The couple showed no respect for difference during Obama’s presidency, and since Trump’s election, they show even less.

And, despite her belief that diversity strengthens democracy, Michelle works hard behind the scenes to undermine what she claims to believe.