Jesus' Coming Back

3 Million Gospel Tracts to Be Handed Out at King Charles’ Coronation: an ‘Unprecedented Opportunity’

The upcoming coronation of King Charles III is an “unprecedented opportunity” to reach the world with the gospel due to the ceremony’s Bible-centric themes, says apologist Ray Comfort.

Comfort’s Living Waters ministry is teaming up with other ministries, including Answers in Genesis, to hand out 3 million gospel tracts in London during the coronation. Each tract will include a depiction of King Charles and information about the coronation and the gospel.

Thousands of Christians are expected to participate in the event, dubbed “Operation London.” About 2,000 are already registered.

King Charles III will be coronated on May 6.

“He will publicly make an oath before God to defend the church of England,” Comfort said in a promotional video. “This will be done in England’s most famous church [Westminster Abbey], witnessed by hundreds of millions around the world. In other words, the world is going to church. We’ll all join in a service about Jesus, God and the Bible.”

King Charles “will lay his right hand on the Bible and swear before God to uphold the Scriptures,” Comfort said.

“He’ll hold the royal scepter as Solomon held the royal center. And when he’s crowned, as was Solomon, all the people will cry, ‘God save the king,'” Comfort said. “And then he’ll be anointed with oil symbolic of the Holy Spirit coming upon him. And all of this will be done in the name of Jesus. And the secular media will be forced to explain the symbolism. This is a massive and unprecedented opportunity to reach millions with the gospel. And the media is not going to ignore the service because they know this world’s insatiable appetite for anything royal.”

Living Waters is an apologetics and evangelism ministry.

“This is likely the biggest event ever to take place in London; just think of the opportunity to reach the lost!” the Living Waters website says. “But we need your help to make this happen.”

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Photo courtesy: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Pra-chid

Michael Foust has covered the intersection of faith and news for 20 years. His stories have appeared in Baptist Press, Christianity Today, The Christian Post, the Leaf-Chroniclethe Toronto Star and the Knoxville News-Sentinel.


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