Jesus' Coming Back

GOP Rep. Burchett: FBI Coordinating with Twitter Is Worse than Musk Choosing to Boot People

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Evening Edit,” Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) said that the FBI working with Twitter to censor accounts is more of a problem for free speech than Elon Musk choosing to kick people off his platform.

Burchett stated that there is an issue where censorship can end up with innocent people being censored, “but in Mr. Musk’s defense, he is a billionaire, he has people that probably would like to kill him. It’s kind of like at my dinner table, I can tell somebody to shut up and leave and be quiet and I guess since he owns Twitter he could do that the same. The problem is with the FBI, the hand in glove that we’re seeing. To me, it’s quite a chilling effect that our Justice Department is involved in effectively censoring people that have differing opinions and in quashing a story that led to — I believe — to undue Chinese influence in the White House through the former vice president and now president’s son. I don’t care if he’s — I don’t care how much cocaine he blows or how many hookers he’s with or how many videos. It just shows he’s a despicable human being. But what I worry about is the effect that that had on our last election and that would have had and it should have had on our election.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett


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