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Intel Community Misled Public, Blocked Probe of COVID Links to China’s Bioweapons, Lawmakers Say; House GOP Report Claims COVID May Be Linked to Chinese Bioweapons Program, and other C-Virus related stories

intel community misled public, blocked probe of COVID links to China’s bioweapons, lawmakers say:

The intelligence community misled the public and thwarted lawmakers’ investigation of COVID’s possible connections to China’s bioweapons program, the House intelligence committee’s Republicans said Wednesday.

An unclassified summary of lawmakers’ new report into COVID’s origins said the lawmakers have seen evidence suggesting COVID is tied to China’s bioweapons program and the intelligence community withheld key information from public reports on the virus origin.

“Based on our investigation involving a variety of public and non-public information, we conclude that there are indications that SARS-CoV-2 may have been tied to China’s biological weapons research program and spilled over to the human population during a lab-related incident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV),” the summary said.

The report from the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence’s Republicans said that the intelligence community “has failed to adequately address this information.”

The lawmakers’ summary said they saw nothing indicating that China intentionally released the virus.

The summary of the report led by Rep. Brad Wenstrup, Ohio Republican, said the intelligence community stripped information from classified material and created a public product that likely skewed people’s understanding of what the federal government knew about COVID’s origins.—>READ MORE HERE

House GOP report claims COVID may be linked to Chinese bioweapons program:

A House investigation into the origins of COVID-19 has concluded that the virus may have been part of a Chinese biological weapons research program when it was accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan.

The interim report, released on Wednesday by Republicans on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, conflicts with last year’s findings by the intelligence community which judged the virus was not developed as a biological weapon by the Chinese government.

“Based on our investigation involving a variety of public and non-public information, we conclude that there are indications that SARS-CoV-2 may have been tied to China’s biological weapons research program and spilled over to the human population during a lab-related incident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV),” the report states.

“The Committee has not seen any indications that the Chinese military intentionally released SARS-CoV-2,” it also notes.

The GOP report also ripped the intelligence community, alleging that it has withheld information from Congress and “downplayed” the possibility of COVID-19 being linked to Chinese bioweapons program. —>READ MORE HERE

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USA TODAY: Coronavirus Updates

WSJ: Coronavirus Live Updates

YAHOO NEWS: Coronavirus Live Updates

NEW YORK POST: Coronavirus The Latest

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